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Баскская этимология :

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PROTO: *(ema)-ste
MEANING: 1 woman 2 married woman, wife 3 fiancée
BZK: ema-zte 2, ema-zte-gei 3
GIP: ema-zte 2, ema-zte-gai 3
ANV: ema-zte 2, ema-zte-gai 3
BNV: ema-zte 2, ema-zte-gai 3
SAL: ema-zte 1
LAB: ema-zte 2, ema-zte-gai 3
AZK: ema-zte 1
ZBR: ema-zte 2, ema-zte-gei 3
RNC: ema-zte 1, ema-zte-gei 3
COMMENTS: For the first element see *ema- 'female'. According to Trask (1997: 271) emazte means 'woman' in three Pyrenean dialects (RNC, AZK, SAL), 'wife' elsewhere. A traditional etymology (since Schuchardt) derives *emaste from *ema- + *gaste 'young', though the actual Bsq meanings do not support the idea of 'young'.

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Сино-кавказская этимология :

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Прасинокавказский: *c̣HV̆dV́
Значение: sister, woman
Севернокавказский: *c̣HV̆dV
Бурушаски: *-st-
BASQ: *-ste
Комментарии и ссылки: Cf. BCD 15. Same root as *c̣VdV́ 925?

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Севернокавказская этимология :

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MEANING: woman, female
NAKH: *ʒɦuṭ
COMMENT: The root has no parallels in Dagestan languages, but has a probable match in Hurr. šid-u/ori "maid(en)" (PHU *siṭ-, see Diakonoff-Starostin 1986, 28). Urart. ašti 'woman; wife' was compared (see ibid., 39) with EC forms like Darg. Chir. cade 'female', but in fact may be a prefixed variant of the same HU root.

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Нахская этимология :

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Протонахский: *ʒɦuṭ
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: 1 bitch 2 woman
Чеченский: zud 1, zuda 2
Ингушский: zud 1
Комментарии: PN *ʒɦuṭ, *ʒɦuṭe- (3d class) "bitch" (for the obl. base cf. Chech. züda-, Ing. zudo; cf. also Pharch., Akk. zud, Lev. ʒʕud id.). The derivate *ʒʕuṭan "woman" exists only in Chech. (cf. Usl. zudaŋ, Akk. zudã; note that the Lev. dialect in Imnaishvili's notation has no laryngeal here: ʒuda - perhaps a faulty transcription?).

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Бурушаски этимология :

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Обще-бурушаскская форма: *-st-
Синокавказская этимология: Синокавказская этимология
Значение: 1 sister of a man; sister-in-law, sister of the wife 2 parents-in-law, parents of the wife 3 father-in-law 4 mother-in-law
Ясин: -yást 1; -́s-kir 3, -́staru 3 pl., 2; -́s-kus 4
Хунза: -yás 1, pl. -yáscaro / -yástaro; -́s-kir 3, -́s-kus 4, -́stiŋ, -́sciŋ 2
Нагар: -yás 1, pl. -yáscaro; -́s-kir 3, -́s-kus 4, -́stiŋ 2

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