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Слово: mɨnɨ
Этимология киранти: Этимология киранти
Грамматика: vt-6a ma-muy/mu-mɨ-mo
Значение: 1) sisi mɨnɨ, observe the practice of sisi, i.e. the practice of sprinkling a bit of cooked rice onto the floor next to one's plate prior to commencement of any meal in order to feed and thereby appease any malicious spirits which might be in the house. Sisi is performed again if anyone should enter the house or be heard rustling about outside during the course of the meal, thereby possibly unwittingly escorting a malevolent ghost to dinner from outdoors; the practice of sisi is also observed when eating out of doors on the road where the risk of being afflicted by a disincarnate spirit is greater 2) kakharɨ mɨnɨ, gargle, gurgle, esp. in preparing ti spit or to spew out phlegm 3) waʔwaʔ mɨnɨ, vomit, throw up, puke 4) bǝllǝ mɨnɨ make haste, hurry 5) samsam [< sam spirit] mɨnɨ to exorcise, esp. to conduct a healing ceremony propitiate the deities (agent: naksö-sele) 6) tsili ('wrath') mɨnɨ lose one's temper
Непали: 1) apsānī carāunu; 3) ulṭī garnu, vaman garnu
Комментарии: 1) Limbu co:ʔco:ʔ mepma? ; 3) Waʔwaʔ ma:Nu I threw up; 4) Bǝllǝ mɨkti! Let's hurry!; 6) cf. botnɨ vi-3 (2).

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Этимология киранти :

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Пракиранти: *mò
Значение: vomit
Сунвар: me-ca
Калинг: mönä (möŋɔ)
Думи: mɨnɨ

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