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Dumi dictionary :

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Entry: lu:
Kiränti etymology: Kiränti etymology
Grammar: n.
Meaning: awareness, mind, soul, spirit
Nepali: sāto
Comments: (also la:so, la:wo); cf. hoNsa, sa:yɨ.

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Kiranti etymology :

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Proto-Kiranti: *lǝ̀
Sino-Tibetan etymology: Sino-Tibetan etymology
Meaning: spirit
Tulung: spirit
Kaling: senses, feeling, courage
Yamphu: lawa

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Yamphu dictionary :

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Entry: lawa
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: n.
Meaning: 1) shadow; 2) spirit, presence of mind, soul; one of the four aspects of the human spirit
Comments: häŋ lawa mä:k.khä:.tta. (you spirit vanish.PROC.PF) You've lost your spirit [from fright].
Nepali: chayā, sāto

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Sino-Tibetan etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *lǝ̆
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: spirit
Chinese: *lǝ-n spirit; divine, superhuman.
Tibetan: lha the gods.
Burmese: LB *s-la soul (Ben.).
Kachin: mǝla2 spirit, sumla1 a picture, a figure.
Lushai: thla a spirit; a picture, KC *khla.
Kiranti: *lǝ̀
Comments: Murmi la; Sgaw kǝla spirit; Namsangia da-pha, Banpara tśa-sa; Rawang phǝla, Trung la1. Sh. 123, 435; Ben. 132; Mat. 171.

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Chinese characters :

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Modern (Beijing) reading: shén
Preclassic Old Chinese: lǝn
Classic Old Chinese: lin
Western Han Chinese: ljǝn
Eastern Han Chinese: źǝn
Early Postclassic Chinese: źɨn
Middle Postclassic Chinese: źɨn
Late Postclassic Chinese: źɨn
Middle Chinese: źin
English meaning : spirit, heavenly spirit, ancestral spirit
Russian meaning[s]: 1) дух, духовное начало; бог, божество; сверхъестественный; непостижимый; чудесный; изумительный; 2) жизненная сила; энергия; 3) Шэнь (фамилия)
Sino-Tibetan etymology: Sino-Tibetan etymology
Dialectal data: Dialectal data
Radical: 113
Four-angle index: 2647
Karlgren code: 0385 j-k
Vietnamese reading: thần
Jianchuan Bai: sɛ̃7
Dali Bai: zi7
Bijiang Bai: šẽr4-

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Chinese Dialects :

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Number: 1014
Chinese etymology: Chinese etymology
MC description : 臻開三平真船
ZIHUI: 4377 2073
Beijing: ṣǝn 12
Jinan: ṣẽ 12
Xi'an: ṣẽ 12
Taiyuan: sǝŋ 1
Hankou: sǝn 12
Chengdu: sǝn 12
Yangzhou: sǝn 12
Suzhou: zǝn 12
Wenzhou: zaŋ 12
Changsha: ṣǝn 12
Shuangfeng: ɣin 12
Nanchang: sǝn 31
Meixian: sǝn 12
Guangzhou: šan 12
Xiamen: sin 12
Chaozhou: siŋ 12
Fuzhou: siŋ 12
Shanghai: zǝŋ 32
Zhongyuan yinyun: šiǝn 12

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Sino-Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Caucasian: *hVɫʔV
Meaning: breath, spirit
North Caucasian: *h[ă]ɫʔa ( ~ -ʡ-,-e)
Sino-Tibetan: *lǝ̆
Yenisseian: *ʔir1- (~x-)
Basque: *haro
Comments and references : HGC 34.

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North Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-North Caucasian: *h[ă]ɫʔa ( ~ -ʡ-,-e)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: steam
Proto-Nakh: *ʡe
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *halHV ( ~ ħ-)
Proto-Tsezian: *hel- ( ~ ħ-)
Proto-Lezghian: *hIela
Proto-West Caucasian: *Ła
Notes: Cf. (with an a-prothesis and *ɫ > r) Hurr. aɣri 'incense' (see Diakonoff-Starostin 1986, 55).

    The EC-WC comparison seems rather probable, despite the not quite regular correspondence PEC *ɫ : PWC *Ł. Resonants are normally lost in PWC, but in this case *ɫ was retained as the only possible element (because laryngeals were also lost, and probably even before the resonants), but was transformed into a voiced lateral affricate.


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Nakh etymology :

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Proto-Nakh: *ʡe
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: steam
Chechen: ʕä
Ingush: ʕi
Comments: The Chech. form reflects the vocalism of the oblique stem *ʕa-ne-rV- (cf. Chech. ʕänara-, Ing. ʕanaro). 4th class in both languages.

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Avar-Andian etymology :

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Protoform: *halHV ( ~ ħ-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to boil 2 boiling 3 steam
Avar: hal- 1, háli 2
Chadakolob: hʷal- 1
Andian language: hal (Leksika) 3
Chamalal: hā 3
Tindi: hā 3
Bagvalal: hal (Leksika)
Comments: Cf. also Cham. Gig. hara (with a not quite clear -r- instead of -l-).

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Tsezian etymology :

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Proto-Tsezian: *hel- ( ~ ħ-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to boil
Bezhta: hel- (Tlad.)
Gunzib: hel-ā
Comments: PGB *hel-. The stem is obviously denominative: Gunzib forms are actually compounds hel-ā 'to boil (intrans.)', hela-ḳa 'to boil (trans.)'.

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Lezghian etymology :

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Proto-Lezghian: *hIela
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 breath 2 odour 3 steam 4 soul, spirit
Lezghian: jal 1,2
Tabasaran: el 1
Agul: el 1
Rutul: il 2
Tsakhur: ewa 2 (Mishl.)
Kryz: ʕal 1
Budukh: ʕal 1
Archi: hil 1,3
Udi: el-muχ 4
Comment: 4th class in all class-distinguishing languages. Obl. base *hIelä- (besides Tsakh. ewa, cf. also Rut. ili-). See Лексика 1971, 191.

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Abkhaz-Adyghe etymology :

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Proto-West-Caucasian: *Ła
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 smoke 2 god, spirit 3 to suffocate
Abkhaz: á-l-ʕʷa 1
Abaza: lʕʷa 1
Adyghe: tħa 2
Kabardian: tħa 2
Ubykh: La-L- 3
Comments: PAT *lǝ-ʕʷa (a compound with -ʕʷa < *ʁʷV 'smoke' q.v.); PAK *tħa; Ub. sǝ-LaLǝ́-n. The Ub. verb is an exact match for PAK *tħa-La- 'to suffocate' (Ad. tħāLa-, Kab. tħaLa-), see Bouda 1960, 200, Shagirov 2, 82. This is an additional factor in favour of Kuipers' hypothesis that PAK *tħa originally had meant 'life, breath'. Since PAK *tħa corresponds well to Ub. La (going back to PWC *Ła), all other theories about the origin of PAK *tħa (comparison with Greek theós, fantastic comparisons with *ħa 'dog', *t:ǝʁa 'sun' etc. - see the full list in Shagirov 2,79-80) should be discarded.

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Yenisseian etymology :

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Proto-Yenisseian: *ʔir1- (~x-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: breath, spirit
Ket: īĺ / iʔĺ, pl. ɛĺǝŋ5; ɛĺiŋ-bet5 'to breathe'
Yug: īr, pl. ɛrɨŋ5, ɛrǝŋ5
Comments: ССЕ 194. Werner 1, 390 <*iʔʎ>.

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Basque etymology :

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Proto-Basque: *haro
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: weather, season
Bizkaian: aro
Gipuzkoan: aro
High Navarrese: aro
Low Navarrese: haro
Lapurdian: haro
Zuberoan: háro
Roncalese: aro
Comments: Cf. ZBR haro-hún 'good weather', haro-gaitz 'bad weather'; used in names of months, e.g. LAB ost-aro 'May (leaf season)', ere-aro 'June (sowing season)', etc. Cf. PEC *h[ă]ɫʔa 'steam': the semantic chain ‘steam, breath, air ~ wind, weather’ is common.

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