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Yamphu dictionary :

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Entry: pu:ma
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Stem: <pu:s- ; pu:->
Grammar: v.intr.
Meaning: to grow
Comments: pu:.noʔ pu:.n.e, wa:.noʔ wa:.buk.n.e. (grow.EXF grow.NNP.FCT be_big.EXF be_big.start.NNP.FCT) He's not growing at all.
Nepali: baḍhnu

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Kiranti etymology :

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Proto-Kiranti: *bhǝ̀r
Sino-Tibetan etymology: Sino-Tibetan etymology
Meaning: grow
Sunwar: bar-ca grow up, increase
Tulung: bǝr- grow up
Kaling: bhwɔrnä (bhwɔrŋɔ) grow, increase
Limbu: pomā (pondā / porā) increase
Dumi: barnɨ
Kulung: bur 'mountain' (?)
Yamphu: pu:ma
Comments: Limbu has stems a) pōr- / pōn- b) pōs-/pō-, which are hard to distinguish, but may in fact represent different original roots. For the former cf. Kulung pǝ-ma (pɔi-) 'increase, grow' (see under *bhä́[p]).

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Limbu dictionary :

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Entry: po:maʔ, -po:s-/-po:-
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: 1) make bigger, increase, enlarge 2) -nara po:maʔ [nara countenance] laud, praise, commend
Derivation: [caus. < po:mmaʔ grow] [?]
Comments: 1) kɔN him-min allɔ cukpa co:k kǝrǝ ta:ndik-atchɛnda:n po:s-u-N-aN yǝmba co:g-u-N (this house-ABS now small be but one of these days enlarge-3P-lsA-pfG large make-3P-1sA) Now this house is small, but one of these days I shall enlarge it and make it big; 2) kunara mɛbo:su They lauded him; cf. po:mmaʔ (2).

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Dumi dictionary :

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Entry: barnɨ
Kiränti etymology: Kiränti etymology
Grammar: vi-1 bar
Meaning: increase in size, augment, grow, swell, swell up.
Derivation: [< Nep. baḍhnu ] [?]

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Kulung dictionary :

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Entry: bur
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: n.
Meaning: mountain
Nepali: himāl.

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Sino-Tibetan etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *phV̆r
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: be prominent, rise, tumulus
Chinese: *bhǝr tumulus, raised bank (also 濆 *bhǝr river bank); great, *bhǝrʔ swell up.
Tibetan: ãbur to rise, be prominent; to increase; prominence, protuberance, tumour; spor (p., f. spar) to lift up.
Kiranti: *bhǝ̀r
Comments: Cf. *bhăr. Dhimal bar-ka, Mikir par big, BG: Garo bal-, bari- big, Bodo par high bank of the river. See Sh. 409. Cf. also Tib. ãphjur to heap up, to mount.

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Chinese characters :

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Modern (Beijing) reading: fén
Preclassic Old Chinese: bhǝr
Classic Old Chinese: bhǝn
Western Han Chinese: bhǝn
Eastern Han Chinese: bhwǝn
Early Postclassic Chinese: bhwɨn
Middle Postclassic Chinese: bhwɨn
Late Postclassic Chinese: bhwɨn
Middle Chinese: bün
English meaning : bank (of a river)
Russian meaning[s]: 1) могила, могильный холм; мавзолей; склеп; 2) насыпь, дамба; 3) великий; большой; [fěn] тучный (о земле)
Shuowen gloss: 墓也.從土.賁聲. [693]
Comments: Probably (as 'high, raised bank') originally same word as 賁 'big, great' q.v. Also used for *b(h)ǝrʔ, MC bǘn (FQ 房吻), Mand. fèn 'be rich, fat (of soil)'. For initial *bh- cf. Chaozhou phuŋ2.
Sino-Tibetan etymology: Sino-Tibetan etymology
Dialectal data: Dialectal data
Radical: 32
Four-angle index: 8002
Karlgren code: 0437 m
Shijing occurrences: 10.1, 10.2

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Chinese Dialects :

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Number: 1964
Chinese etymology: Chinese etymology
MC description : 臻合三平文奉
ZIHUI: 1079 2036
Beijing: fǝn 12
Jinan: fẽ 12
Xi'an: fẽ 12
Taiyuan: fǝŋ 1
Hankou: fǝn 12
Chengdu: fǝn 12
Yangzhou: fǝn 12
Suzhou: vǝn 12
Wenzhou: vaŋ 12
Changsha: fǝn 12
Shuangfeng: ɣuǝn 12
Nanchang: фun 31
Meixian: phun 12
Guangzhou: fan 12
Xiamen: hun 12
Chaozhou: phuŋ 12
Fuzhou: xuŋ 12
Shanghai: vǝŋ 32
Zhongyuan yinyun: fǝn 12

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Sino-Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Caucasian: *bērčV̆́ ( ~ -ǝ̄-)
Meaning: big; important
North Caucasian: *bīrčV ( ~ -ē-,-ɨ̄-)
Sino-Tibetan: *phV̆r
Yenisseian: *pa(r)sa (?)
Burushaski: *barć
Basque: *bići ~ *biči

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North Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-North Caucasian: *bīrčV ( ~ -ē-,-ɨ̄-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: rich, honorable
Proto-Nakh: *bārč
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *biči(-d)-
Proto-Tsezian: *=ič-il-
Notes: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Changing class prefixes in Bezht. are probably secondary (in all other languages b- is a part of the root).

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Nakh etymology :

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Proto-Nakh: *bārč
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: honorable place (in the house)
Chechen: barč
Ingush: bärče
Batsbi: barč
Comments: Obl. base *bārči- (Chech. bärča-). The Ing. form contains a suffix (*-jV). In Bacb. cf. also a derivate barčol 'ability'.

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Avar-Andian etymology :

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Protoform: *biči(-d)-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 rich 2 to become rich
Avar: bečéda= 1
Akhvakh: mača-ʎ- 2
Karata: bečedo= 1
Godoberi: beče-ʎ- 2
Comments: Cf. also Kar. Anch. beče-ro= (with another suffix). Cham. bečedo 'rich' is probably an Avar loanword (otherwise -š- would be expected). Akhv. reflects a stem with a nasal suffix (mača-ʎ- < *bačan-ʎ-).

    In Avar cf. also the noun bečéd 'god' (obviously derived from 'rich', cf. an analagous development in some IE languages).


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Tsezian etymology :

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Proto-Tsezian: *=ič-il-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: rich
Bezhta: =ičilo
Comments: Attested only in Bezht., but having probable external parallels.

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Yenisseian etymology :

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Proto-Yenisseian: *pa(r)sa (?)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: big
Ket: big
Kottish: fačā, *phačā; Ass. páčaga (М., Сл., Срсл., Кл.); pača (Кл.)
Arin: pačá- in pačá-ul (Кл.) "sea" ("big water") [Kott.?]
Pumpokol: barčoj (Срсл., Кл.) "high", birč́oj (Срсл.) "height"
Comments: ССЕ 245-246. The reconstruction is somewhat dubious: the Arin form, listed by Klaproth, is most likely Kottish (in Arin we would expect -kul "вода"); the Pumpokol form has an irregular b-. Werner 1, 274 (lists also Arin berke, about which see *bVʔĺ).

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Burushaski etymology :

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Common Burushaski: *barć
Sino-Caucasian Etymology: Sino-Caucasian Etymology
Meaning: eine geheimnisvolle Kraft, die Feen und heilige Männer besitzen
Hunza: barć
Nagar: barć
Comments: Sh. bać, T 11204? [Skt. vájra- `thunderbolt', reflected in Sh. as bǝc̣???]

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Basque etymology :

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Proto-Basque: *bići ~ *biči
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 jewel 2 pearl 3 brooch 4 original, extravagant, graceful 5 pretty (children's word) 6 element in words for 'godparent', 'godchild'
Bizkaian: bitxi 2, pitxi 1, 5, -bitxi 6
Gipuzkoan: pitxi 1, 5
High Navarrese: pitxi 1
Low Navarrese: bitxi 4
Lapurdian: bitxi 4, pitxi 5, -bitxi 6
Roncalese: bitxi 3
Comments: The oldest attested uses of the word (15th-16th c.) refer to jewels of great price. This, and the use of *-biči in aita-bitxi ‘godfather’, etc. (ama-bitxi, seme-bitxi, alab-itxi), match well with the NC meanings ‘rich’ and ‘honor(able)’. The ‘god-(parent, -child)’ usage is probably calqued on Romance forms like Fr. beaupère ‘godfather’. Palatal /č/ by expressive palatalization and/or position between two /i/s; the form pitxi by expressive devoicing.

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