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Yamphu dictionary :

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Entry: kupma
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Stem: <kub- ; kup->
Grammar: v.intr. &
Meaning: 1) v.intr. to be tucked in, to be clothed from top to toe 2 v.intr. to hatch eggs, to be sitting on the eggs 3 to hatch.
Comments: 1) makmip.phori cuŋ.beʔ kup.mitt.iŋ.ä. (morning.bhari cold.LOC be_tucked_in.PF.EXPS.FCT) I've sat wrapped up in clothes the whole morning in this cold. 2)ä. (hatch.down.RES.PF.FCT) She has gone and sat on the eggs.
Nepali: guṭmuṭieko hunu, othārā basnu

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Kiranti etymology :

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Proto-Kiranti: *ghlùm
Sino-Tibetan etymology: Sino-Tibetan etymology
Meaning: hatch
Tulung: ghlöm- hatch, ghlomi hen
Kaling: glamnä (glamdu) sit on eggs, hatch
Dumi: gɨmnɨ
Kulung: kumma 'breed eggs', kuppu 'bred egg'
Yamphu: kupma
Comments: In Yamphu - perhaps a merger with *qǝp q.v.

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Dumi dictionary :

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Entry: gɨmnɨ
Kiränti etymology: Kiränti etymology
Grammar: vt-1 gɨm
Meaning: brood (eggs)
Nepali: othryāunu
Comments: Phuʔa ɨ-ti: gɨmta The chicken broods its egg; Phuʔa ɨ-tsuʔu lǝndɨ The chicken hatched its chick; cf. sɨmnɨ vt-1.

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Kulung dictionary :

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Entry: kumma
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: vt-4 [1: kup- 2: kupp- 3: kum-]
Meaning: brood (eggs)
Nepali: othryāunu.

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Sino-Tibetan etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *lɨ̄̆m
Meaning: round, circular
Chinese: *l_ǝ̄m, *lǝm, *lhǝm knob or ring on sword handle.
Tibetan: zlum round, circular.
Burmese: lumh globular, spherical, be round, LB *(s)lumx.
Kachin: lum2 be round.
Lushai: lum to roll, KC *lum; hlūm ball, KC *hlum.
Lepcha: tălam testicles
Kiranti: *ghlùm hatch ( < *'sit on eggs') (?)
Comments: Garo rom to roll; Kham lum; Trung 3-kǝ3-lǝ̆m1. Sh. 407, 411; Ben 42; Mat. 184. Cf. also STEDT 120-121 *t-lam 'egg', 115-116 *rum 'egg', *glim ~ *glip 'brood/incubate' (hardly independent roots but rather derivations from *lɨ̄̆m).

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Chinese characters :

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Modern (Beijing) reading: tán
Preclassic Old Chinese: lhǝ̄m
Classic Old Chinese: lhǝ̄m
Western Han Chinese: lhǝ̄m
Eastern Han Chinese: lhǝ̄m
Early Postclassic Chinese: dhǝ̄m
Middle Postclassic Chinese: dhǝ̄m
Late Postclassic Chinese: dhǝ̄m
Middle Chinese: dлm
English meaning : knob or ring on sword handle.
Comments: For *lh cf. Fuzhou, Jianou thaŋ2. Also read *lǝm, MC jim; *lhǝm, MC zjim id.
Sino-Tibetan etymology: Sino-Tibetan etymology
Radical: 0
Four-angle index: 0
Karlgren code: 0646 e

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