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Zhuang-Tai etymology :

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Proto-Zhuang-Tai: *lɨk
Meaning: deep
Thai-Kadai etymology: Thai-Kadai etymology
Siamese: lɨk
Nung: lâk.8
Bouyei (Po-ai): lak.8
References: H: 514; LFK: 134.

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Tai-Kadai etymology :

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Number: 139
Meaning: deep
Austric etymology: Austric etymology
Proto-Zhuang-Tai: *lɨk
Ong Be: lak.8
Biao: liak.7
Li (Baoding): ɫo:k.7
References: H: 514; TKL: 383.

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Austric etymology :

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Proto-Austric: *lVku
Meaning: sink, deep place
Proto-Austroasiatic: *lok / *lǝk
Austroasiatic meaning: to sink
Proto-Austronesian: *liku
Austronesian meaning: deep place in a river
Proto-Thai: [bluak sink down]

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Austro-Asiatic etymology :

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Proto-Austro-Asiatic: *lok / *lǝk
Meaning: to sink
Austric etymology: Austric etymology
Thai: [bluak sink down]
Proto-Katuic: *lok
Proto-Bahnaric: NB *lǝk
Khmer: ʒrǝlɔk
Proto-Monic: M baluik

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Katuic etymology :

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Proto-Katuic: *lok
Meaning: submerged in
Presyllable: ʔǝQ- / kǝ-
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Proto-West Katuic: *lok
Proto-East Katuic: *lok
References: P-424
Notes: some forms may be borrowed from KMR ʒrǝlɔk to dip

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West Katuic etymology :

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Proto-West Katuic: *lok
Meaning: drown
Presyllable: kǝ-
Katuic etymology: Katuic etymology
Bru Van Keu: klok.L E?
Bru Van Keu meaning: to feel suffocated
So: klɔk.B
So meaning: to fall into water and began to drown
Kui: lɔʔ.N
Kui meaning: submerged in
Kuay: calʌʔ.N
Kuay meaning: drowned

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East Katuic etymology :

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Proto-East Katuic: *lok
Meaning: submerged in
Presyllable: kǝ- / #
Katuic etymology: Katuic etymology
Pakoh: klok.T
Pakoh meaning: saturated, soaked
Lao Katu: lǝ̂k V?
Lao Katu meaning: to rinse food in water
Ngeq: lok
Ngeq meaning: to put in, pour in; klok to pour water

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Bahnar etymology :

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Proto-Bahnaric: *lǝ̆k
Meaning: drown
Presyllable: gǝ-
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Bahnar: glǝk
Bahnar meaning: drown; hlǝk sleep heavily ̊*lak.L, gǝ- ̊drown ̊PNB-265 ̊lVk ̥kǝl ̥*lǝk ̥pǝ- ̥Imperial pigeon ̥*lɨk, pǝ- ̥Imperial pigeon ̥A possible Katuic borrowing ̥lVk ḳkǝ:l ḳ*lǝ:k ḳlook up ḳ*lǝ:k, Cǝŋ- ḳlook up ḳlVk ʎkɔ:l ʎ*lɔ:k ʎarmspan ʎTR calɔ:k ʎarmspan (middle finger - armpit) ʎsalɔ:k ʎarmspan (middle finger - armpit) ʎA possible Katuic borrowing ʎlVk ƛkɔl ƛ*lɔ̆k ƛrinse out the mouth ƛcf. 712 ƛ*lok, kǝ- ƛrinse out the mouth ƛlVk lVʔ kal *lăk turn over *lak, pǝ- turn inside out *lǝʔ, pǝ-/hǝ- VT? turn inside out A possible Katuic borrowing lVk ƛ̣ka:l ƛ̣*la:k ƛ̣overripe (of fruit) ƛ̣*la:k, pǝ- ƛ̣overripe (of fruit) ƛ̣lVk ɫkel ɫtickle ɫ*lɛk, kǝ-/# ɫtickle (the area above the anus of a buffalo) ɫA possible Katuic borrowing ɫlVl Łle:l Ł*le:l Łworry, fear Łle:l Łbe woried, afraid, coward ŁREN le:l.L coward ? < BAH ŁlVl ŋlil ŋ*lĭl ŋbedrock ŋ*li[l].L, tǝ- ŋbedrock ŋlVl, lVq ōla:l ō*la:l ōbelow ōʔǝla: T? ōbelow ōJEH la:l.T below ōlVm ömil öroof ö*lim.L öto roof ölVm ӧ̄mial ӧ̄*liam / *niam ӧ̄# ӧ̄good ӧ̄liem ӧ̄good, healthy ӧ̄*liam.T ӧ̄good ӧ̄*niǝm ӧ̄good ӧ̄*niǝm ӧ̄good ӧ̄*liam ӧ̄good; pretty, beautiful ӧ̄le:m ӧ̄good; pretty, beautiful ӧ̄PNB, SPT, JS-318 ӧ̄PChamic *sija:m "good, nice" (TH-331) ӧ̄lVm ɔmǝ:l ɔ*lǝ:m ɔkǝ- ɔliver ɔklǝ:m ɔliver ɔ*le:m.L, kǝ- ɔliver ɔ*lǝ:m, kǝ- ɔliver ɔ*lǝ:m, kǝ- ɔliver ɔ*lɔ:m, kǝ- V? ɔliver ɔklǝ:m ɔliver, seed ɔklǝ:p liver ɔPNB-12, JS-789, TB5.27 ɔlVm ɔ̄mal ɔ̄*lăm ɔ̄hundred ɔ̄*lam, kǝ- ɔ̄hundred ɔ̄A possible Katuic borrowing ɔ̄lVm ṗmal ṗ*lăm ṗin, inside ṗcf. 733 ṗlǝm V? ṗin, inside ṗ*lam.T ṗinside ṗ*lam, gǝ- /dǝ- ṗin, inside ṗPNB-27, SBS-185 ṗPChamic *dalam "inside, in" < AN (TH-287) ṗlVm q̇mǝ:l q̇*lǝ:m q̇pǝ- q̇land leech q̇plǝ:m q̇small land leech q̇*le:m.L, pǝ- q̇land leech q̇*lǝ:m, pǝ- q̇land leech q̇*lǝ:m, pǝ- q̇land leech q̇*lǝ:m, pǝ- q̇land leech q̇plǝ:m q̇land leech q̇PNB-11, JS-790, TB2.36 q̇PChamic *plum "land leech" (TH-328) q̇lVm ßmo:l ß*lo:m ßCǝ- ßblow ßhlo:m ßblow, play an instrument ß*lu:m.T, Cǝ- ßblow (flute) ß*[l]o:m, Cǝ- ßblow ß*lo:m, kǝ- ßblow (flute) ßPNB, JS-602 ßlVm ~mǝl ~*lǝ̆m ~Cǝ-/# ~fall ~glǝm ~to make to fall down ~*lam.L rǝ-/# ~fall, collapse ~*lǝm, C- ~drop, fall ~SBS-778 ~lVm, nVm ̀mal ̀*lăm ̀go, walk ̀nǝnam I? ̀go, walk ̀*lam.T ̀to walk ̀PNB-32 ̀lVm ̣mo:l ̣*lo:m ̣urinary bladder ̣cf. 1050 ̣*[l]o:m, tǝ- ̣urinary bladder ̣A Katuic borrowing ? ̣lVm šmal š*lăm šbefore šcf. 727 šKS lam šbefore šlam šbefore šA possible Katuic borrowing šlVm ṭmɔ:l ṭ*lɔ:m ṭtip ṭ*lɔ:m ṭtip ṭlVm ̆mo:l ̆*lo:m ̆round ̆lo:m ̆roll up ̆*lo:m, pǝ- ̆round ̆Possibly borrowed from a Zhuang-Tai language ̆lVm рmo:l р*lo:m рname р*lo:m, pǝ- рname рlVn сnǝl с*lǝ̆n сclay сlǝn сclay сREN lan.L clay сlVn тnǝl т*lǝ̆n тflood т*lan.L тflood тlVn уnǝl у*lǝ̆n уtomato у*lǝn, bǝ- уegglpant, tomato уlVn фnuǝl ф*luǝn фblunt фcf. 327 ф*lu:n фblunt фlVn хńa:l х*la:ń хsharpen х*la:ń хto sharpen хlVn цnul ц*lŭn цpǝ-/kǝ- цtadpole цplun цtadpole ц*lun.L, pǝ- цtadpole ц*lun, kǝ- цtadpole цJR pǝlun tadpole цplu:t tadpole цPNB-60, SPT, JS-757 цPChamic *klun "tadpole" (TH-324) цlVn чnal ч*lăn чkǝ- чpython, boa чcf. 1551 чklan чpython ч*lan.T, kǝ- чpython ч*lan, kǝ- чpython, boa чklɔt python чSPT, SBS-196 чPChamic *klan "python" (TH-323) чlVn шnuǝl ш*luǝn / *lǝ:n шswallow шluan шto swallow ш*luǝn шto swallow ш*lɨ:n шto swallow шYH lǝ:n to swallow шlɨ:n шto swallow шluat to swallow шSPT, JS-876, TB17.20 шSome forms may be borrowed from Katuic; PChamic *luǝn "to swallow" (TK-359 шlVn щnil щ*li:n / *lăń щ# щgums, lips щcf. 126 щli:n щgums щ*li(:)n.L щgums, lips щ*lań щgums щlań щgums щPNB-51 щNWB forms may be borrowed from Katuic щlVn ъno:l ъ*lo:n ъcatfish, k. o. ъ*lo:n, Hǝ- ъcatfish, k. o. ъlVn ыna:l ы*la:n ыsmall water leech ы*la:n, kǝ- ыsmall water leech ыkla:n ыsmall water leech ыlVn ьnɔ:l ь*lɔ:n ьat leisure, free ь*lɔ:n ьat leisure, free ьlVn эna:l э*la:n эopen (eyes) э*la:n эopen (eyes) эla:n эopen one's eyes эA possible borrowing from Katuic эlVp юpe:l ю*le:p юgrasshoper юlɛ:p юgrasshoper ю*lip.L юgrasshopper ю*le:p юgrasshopper юle:p юgrasshopper юPNB-183, TB2.33 юlVp яpul я*lŭ(:)p яask я*lup яask, demand яlVp ɵpial ɵ*liap ɵlick ɵ*liǝp ɵlick ɵlVp ūpi:l ū*li:p ūshut (eyes) ūcf.1092 ū*li:p, pǝr-/# ūshut (eyes) ūlVp üpVl üNB *le(:)p / SB *lop ükǝ- üpatch ücf. 756 üklep üpatch clothes üREN kle:p.T to mend üSTI klop üto patch, to repair ülVp ǖpial ǖ*liap ǖthunder ǖ*lVp ǖlightning, thunder ǖ*liǝp ǖthunder ǖJS-357 ǖTH va:.C lɛ:p ǖlVp ǝpɔ:l ǝ*lɔ:p ǝCǝ- ǝcover ǝcf. 754 ǝʔblɔ:p ǝfit, cover exactly ǝSED klɔ.L ǝto close up, to cover over ǝCHR khlɔ:p cover over ǝlVp ǝ̄pǝl ǝ̄*lǝ̆p ǝ̄# ǝ̄flood ǝ̄cf. 378 ǝ̄lǝp ǝ̄to flood ǝ̄SED lap.L over ǝ̄*lǝp ǝ̄to flood ǝ̄PNB-181 ǝ̄lVp ̌pa:l ̌*la:p ̌kǝ- ̌ant ̌cf. 1065 ̌kǝla:p ̌flying ant ̌*la:p.T, kǝ- ̌flying ant, termite ̌*la:p, kǝ- / *na:p, kǝ- ̌flying ant ̌*la:p, kǝ- ̌flying ant ̌*la:p, kǝ- ̌winged termite ̌kala:p ̌winged termite ̌PNB-196, JS-106, TB2.72 ̌lVp ʷpial ʷ*liap ʷgǝ-/kǝ- ʷsunset ʷgli:p, glip ʷto become dark ʷJEH kliap.T sunset V? ʷ*liap, kǝ- ʷto set (of the sun) ʷlVp ɦpa:l ɦ*la:p ɦfeather ɦ*la:p, #/cǝr- ɦfeather ɦlVp χpɔ:l χ*lɔ:p χfish scales χ*l[ɔ]:p, sǝ- χfish scales χlVp ʒpal ʒ*lăp ʒwound, cut ʒcf. 763 ʒ*lap ʒwound, cut ʒA local word ? ʒlVp ǯpal ǯ*lăp ǯsharp ǯcf. 762 ǯ*lap, pǝ- ǯsharp ǯlVp žpa:l ž*lV:p žspread ž*la:p žspread, rub on ž*le:p žlay down, spread žlǝ:p žlay down, spread žPossible borrowings from Katuic žlVq ʔqal ʔ*la ʔask for ʔ*la ʔask for ʔ*la, ʔǝ- ʔask, question ʔTB17.228 ʔA local word ? ʔlVq lVh ʕqel ʕ*le / *leh ʕegg ʕ*lɛ, kǝ- ʕegg ʕ*lɛh, kǝ- ʕegg ʕTB9.12 ʕlVq ʌqul ʌ*lu ʌrest ʌ*lu, rǝ-/# ʌrest ʌlVq qal *la foolish cf. 781 *la, gǝ- foolish lVq qɔl *lɔ ferment *lo.T, bǝ- yeast, ferment lVq qiǝl *liǝ wash (face) *lɨǝ, bǝ- wash (face) lVq qɔl *lɔ bǝ- hearth *lo.T, bǝ- hearth, ashes *lɔ, Pǝ- ashes *lɔ, bǝ- ashes, fireplace, stove TB1.17 lVq qal *la bǝ- tusk, ivory cf. 711 bǝla: elephant tusks *la.T, bǝ- tusk, ivory *la, bǝ- tusk, ivory SBS-9 PChamic *bala "tusk, ivory" (TH-311) lVw wǝl *lǝ̆w / *lu
Proto-South Bahnaric: STI blok < KMR
Proto-West Bahnaric: *lɔ:k, bǝ-
Proto-Northwest-Bahnaric: *lɔ:k, bǝ-/gǝ-
Harak: blɔ:k
References: JS-437, TB5.20

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West Bahnaric etymology :

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Proto-West- Bahnaric: *lɔ:k, bǝ-
Meaning: tusk, ivory
Bahnaric etymology: Bahnaric etymology
Jaru form: blɔ:k
Jaru meaning: ivory
Lavi: bluɔk V?
Juk: blɔ:ʔ
Brao form: bluk ? < KMR
Brao meaning: ivory
References: JS-437

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North-West Bahnaric etymology :

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Proto-North-West- Bahnaric: *lɔ:k, bǝ-/gǝ-
Meaning: ivory, tusk
Bahnaric etymology: Bahnaric etymology
Tariang: glɔ:k
Kaseng: blɔ:k
Yaeh: blɔ:k

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Harak etymology :

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Proto-Harak: *lɔ:k, bǝ-/gǝ-
Meaning: ivory, tusk
Bahnaric etymology: Bahnaric etymology
Harak: blɔ:k
Alak: phlɔ:k

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