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North Caucasian etymology :
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Proto-North Caucasian: *ʡwĭlʡi
Meaning: eye
Notes: One of the most widely spread NC roots. Correspondences are regular. See Trubetzkoy 1930, 277.
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Nakh etymology :
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Proto-Nakh: *bʡa
Meaning: eye
Chechen: bʕärg
Ingush: bʕarg
Batsbi: bʕarḳ
Comments: The PN paradigm was *bʡa, *bʡare-, with a diminutive form *bʡare-ḳ, which was preserved in all languages. The form *bʡa survives as bʕa (somewhat archaic) in Chech. and Ing. The word vacillates between 5th and 6th classes in all languages (bj in Bacb.).
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Avar-Andian etymology :
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Protoform: *ħarHi
Meaning: eye
Avar: ber
Chadakolob: ber
Andian language: harḳu
Akhvakh: ḳeha
Chamalal: hač̣a
Tindi: haḳ́a
Karata: harḳa
Botlikh: haj
Bagvalal: hač̣a
Godoberi: haj
Comments: Av. paradigm A ( bér-zul, búr-dul); cf. also the locative stem bá-di. Within Andian some forms (Botl., God.; cf. also Cham. Gig. haj) go back to the simple root *harHi, but most forms reflect the diminutive derivate *har(Hi)-ḳV. In Akhvakh there occurred a metathesis: ḳeha < *heḳa < *harHi-ḳV.
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Tsezian etymology :
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Proto-Tsezian: *ħɔre B
Meaning: eye
Tsezi: ozuri
Ginukh: üžej
Khvarshi: ezal
Inkhokvari: ezol
Bezhta: häre
Gunzib: hare
Comments: Two oblique bases are reconstructable for PTs: *ħɔ- (cf. PGB *ha-, Bezht. hä-, Gunz. ha-) and *ħɔZʷe- (cf. PTsKh *ʔözʷe-, Gin. pl. üže-be, Inkh. eza-). The direct base PTsKh *ʔözʷǝR is obviously a contamination of a former direct base *ʔöR (= PGB *hare) and oblique *ʔözʷe-.
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Lak etymology :
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Lak root: ja
Meaning: eye
Lak form: ja
Comments: 3d class, obl. base ja-ni-. The old oblique base, however, had been i-t:a-, and it is preserved in adverbial forms like it:a-w 'into eyes', it:a-lu 'under eyes' etc., as well as in some old compounds.
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Dargwa etymology :
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Proto-Dargwa: *ħuli
Meaning: eye
Akusha: ħuli
Chiragh: ʕule
Comments: Cf. also Ur. ħuli, Kub. ule etc.
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Lezghian etymology :
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Proto-Lezghian: *ʔʷil
Meaning: eye
Lezghian: wil
Tabasaran: ul
Agul: ul
Rutul: ul
Tsakhur: ul'
Kryz: ʕül
Budukh: ʕül
Archi: lur
Udi: pul
Comment: Obl. base PL *ʔʷile-, cf. Lezg. wili, Tab. uli-, Ag. uli-, Rut. uli-, Tsakh. ul'e-. 3d class in all class-distinguishing languages. The Archi form is originally plural ( *ʔʷil-Vr ). See Лексика 1971, 196; Гигинейшвили 1977, 69.
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Khinalug etymology :
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Khinalug root: pil
North Caucasian etymology: 34
Meaning: eye
Khinalug form: pil
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Abkhaz-Adyghe etymology :
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Proto-West-Caucasian: *b-ĺa
Meaning: eye
Abkhaz: á-la
Abaza: la
Adyghe: na
Kabardian: na
Ubykh: bLa
Comments: PAT *(bǝ)la (in Abkh. dialect variations: á-bla and á-la). Certain problems are connected with the PAK form *na : it is certainly related to PAT and Ub. forms (even several identical compounds with the component 'eye' may be observed in AK and other languages), but reasons for nasalisation are not clear (regularly *da would be expected; note that in this case the root would be homonymous with *da < *ĺA 'ear' q.v.).
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Sino-Caucasian etymology :
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Proto-Sino-Caucasian: *ʡwĭlʡí
Meaning: eye
Comments and references : HGC 19, DCE 1. The Basque noun *le- occurs only in the compound *le-t-hagin 'eye-tooth, canine tooth, fang'; cf. also Bsq *uler-tu 'to understand'. sccet-meaning,sccet-prnum,sccet-cauc,sccet-stib,sccet-yen,sccet-buru,sccet-basq,sccet-notes,
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Sino-Tibetan etymology :
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Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *rŭ (s-)
Meaning: look, examine
Burmese: hruʔ look, examine.
Comments: Luce 34.
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Chinese characters :
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Character: 搜
Modern (Beijing) reading: sōu
Preclassic Old Chinese: sru
Classic Old Chinese: sru
Western Han Chinese: ṣǝw
Eastern Han Chinese: ṣǝw
Early Postclassic Chinese: ṣiw
Middle Postclassic Chinese: ṣǝw
Late Postclassic Chinese: ṣǝw
Middle Chinese: ṣǝw
English meaning : numerous; look, examine
Russian meaning[s]: шарить, искать; обыскивать; разыскивать; разведывать
Radical: 64
Four-angle index: 6014
Karlgren code: 1097 d
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Chinese Dialects :
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Number: 1625
Character: 搜
MC description : 流開三平尤生
ZIHUI: 2282 1518
Beijing: sou 11
Jinan: sou 11
Xi'an: sou 11
Taiyuan: sou 1
Hankou: sou 11
Chengdu: sǝu 11
Yangzhou: sôɨ 11
Suzhou: söy 11
Wenzhou: sau 11
Changsha: sôu 11
Shuangfeng: śie 11
Nanchang: sɛu 11
Meixian: sɛu 11
Guangzhou: šau 11
Xiamen: sɔ 11
Chaozhou: siǝu 11
Fuzhou: seu 11
Shanghai: sôɨ 1
Zhongyuan yinyun: sou 1
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Yenisseian etymology :
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Proto-Yenisseian: *de-s
Meaning: eye
Ket: dēś
Yug: des
Kottish: tīš, асс. teš, tiš
Arin: ti-eŋ
Pumpokol: dat
Comments: ССЕ 220. The root proper is *de- (cf. the Arin form representing an original pluralm as well as Kott. te-gan, te-kan 'light' = 'eye' + 'light', see *gǝʔn); the final *-s is a singulative morpheme (cf. -sa in *xu-sa 'one', as well as *pa 'time(s)' : *pa-s 'one time'). Werner 1, 187 <*det' / *des>.
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Burushaski etymology :
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Common Burushaski: *-́l-ći, *il-
Meaning: eye
Yasin: -́lći
Hunza: -́lćin
Nagar: -́lćin
Comments: il- in compounds like il-gaṭ `corner of the eye' etc.; also il `needle ear, small hole' (Yas., Hun., Nag. + Sh. ĩ́ĩl).
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Basque etymology :
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Proto-Basque: *le-t-hagin
Meaning: eye-tooth, canine tooth, fang
Bizkaian: latagin, betagin
Gipuzkoan: letagin, (Ernani) betagin, (Etxarri) matagin
High Navarrese: letagin, litagin, latagin
Low Navarrese: letagin, letain
Lapurdian: litagin, letain
Baztanese: litain
Zuberoan: letágin
Comments: A compound of *le- (a reduced form of PSC *ʡwĭlʡí 'eye') + Bsq *hagin 'tooth' (q.v.). The intervening *-t- is a fossilized oblique marker, familiar from other Bsq compounds (cf. sutargi 'firelight' < *śu + *-t- + *argi, etc.). Western Bsq betagin is an innovative reinterpretation, based on Bsq *begi 'eye' (q.v.).
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Long-range etymologies :
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Borean (approx.) : HVLV
Meaning : eye, see
Amerind (misc.) : *ila 'see' (R 613) [+ A] Reference : ND 28, 2481 (with arbitrary division of SH forms). globet-meaning,globet-nostr,globet-afas,globet-scc,globet-austr,globet-amer,globet-reference,
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Nostratic etymology :
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Eurasiatic: *HwVlV
Meaning: to be visible
References: NDR 28 *ʔil̄V 'eye', 2481 *wol(y)V 'to look, see' (with incorr. Alt.) (hardly distinguishable). nostret-meaning,nostret-prnum,nostret-ier,nostret-alt,nostret-ura,nostret-drav,nostret-esk,nostret-chuk,nostret-reference,
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Indo-European etymology :
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Proto-IE: *wel-
Meaning: to see
Tokharian: B yel- 'investigate' (Adams 507)
Latin: voltus / vultus, -ūs m. `Gesichtsausdruck, Miene, Aussehen, Gestalt'
Celtic: OIr fil `es gibt' ( = voici ); filis i.seallais `vidit', Cymr gweled `sehen', Bret guelet `la vue', OIr fili, gen. filed `Seher, Dichter'
Russ. meaning: видеть
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Germanic etymology :
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Proto-Germanic: *wlī́tan- vb.; *wlitu-z; *wlitu; *wlaitō, *wlaitia-n
Meaning: see, look
Gothic: *wlaitōn wk. `look around'; wlit-s m. `face, appearance'
Old Norse: līta st. `sehen, schauen'; lit-r, pl. acc. litu `Farbe; Aussehen, Gestalt; Schönheit'; lit n. `Gesicht, Blick' (poet.); leit f. `Suche; Zweck'; leiti n. `Hügel der Ausblick verhindert oder verleiht'
Norwegian: lita `schauen, gehorchen'; leit; leite `Hügel der Ausblick verhindert oder verleiht; Zeitpunkt, Gesichtsweite'
Old English: wlītan `sehen, schauen'; wlite `Aussehen; Glanz', wlitu f. `Form, Art'
Old Frisian: wlite `Angesicht, Aussehen'
Old Saxon: wliti `Glanz, Aussehen, Gestalt'
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Pokorny's dictionary :
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Number: 2126
Root: u̯el-1
English meaning: to see
German meaning: `sehen'
Derivatives: u̯l̥-tu- `Aussehen'
Material: Lat. voltus, vultus, -ūs m. `Gesichtsausdruck, Miene, Aussehen, Gestalt' (*vl̥-tu-) stellt sich zu ir. fil `es gibt', alter Imper. *u̯ele (vgl. frz. voici!), cymr. gweled `sehen', bret. guelet `la vue', air. fili (Gen. filed, vorir. Ogam VELITAS) `Seher, Dichter' (*u̯elēts); der Name der germ. Seherin Veleda; im Germ. erscheint eine wohl von *u̯el- abgeleitete Wz. *u̯leid- (*u̯l-ei-d-): got. anda-wleizn n. (?) `Angesicht', aisl. līta, ags. wlītan `sehen, schauen'; schwundstufig got.wlits `Angesicht, Gestalt', aisl. litr (Akk. Pl. litu) `Aussehen, Farbe', as. wliti `Glanz, Aussehen, Gestalt', afries. wlite `Angesicht, Aussehen', ags. wlite ds., auch `Glanz', wlitu f. `Form, Art'; o-stufig das Kausativ got. wlaiton, aisl. leita (*wlaitōn) `sich umsehen nach, suchen' (wozu als Postverbale leit f. `das Suchen', Wissmann Nom. Postverb. 1, 11), ags. wlatian ds.; auch germ. *wulþu- m. `Herrlichkeit' (`*Ansehen'): got. wulþus `Herrlichkeit', aisl. Ullr (*wulþuz) `Göttername', ags. wuldor `gloria', vgl. got. wulþrs `Wert', wulþriza `herrlicher'; weiter wulþags `ἔνδοξος'.
References: WP. I 293, WH. II 831.
Pages: 1136-1137
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Altaic etymology :
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Proto-Altaic: *ìla
Meaning: evident, visible
Russian meaning: очевидный, видимый
Comments: The Karakh. form is isolated, but borrowing is hardly possible here.
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Turkic etymology :
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Proto-Turkic: *iler-
Meaning: to be dimly visible
Russian meaning: быть смутно видимым
Oyrat: eles 'silhouette, ghost', eleste- 'be dimly visible'
Comments: EDT 150. The form attested in MK cannot be a mongolism (primarily for semantic reasons); however, Mong. ilere- also cannot be a Turkism, being rather derived from Mong. ile. Modern Turkic forms - Tuva ilere-, Oyr. iler- 'to become visible' are obvious late mongolisms. turcet-prnum,turcet-meaning,turcet-rusmean,turcet-krh,turcet-alt,turcet-reference,
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Mongolian etymology :
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Proto-Mongolian: *ile
Meaning: known, evident, obvious
Russian meaning: известный, очевидный
Written Mongolian: ile (L 404) Middle Mongolian: ile (SH), ilä̆ (MA) Khalkha: il
Buriat: eli
Kalmuck: ilǝ
Ordos: ile, ele
Shary-Yoghur: hele
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Tungus etymology :
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Proto-Tungus-Manchu: *il-
Meaning: 1 figure, shape 2 body 3 example 4 exterior
Russian meaning: 1 фигура, форма 2 тело 3 пример 4 внешность
Evenki: ille 2
Even: ilrъ 2, ịlrъ̣n 1, ilun 3
Ulcha: ịlta(n) 4
Nanai: ịlta 4
Comments: ТМС 1, 310, 311. tunget-prnum,tunget-meaning,tunget-rusmean,tunget-evk,tunget-evn,tunget-ulc,tunget-nan,tunget-reference,
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Japanese etymology :
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Proto-Japanese: *àràp-ar-
Meaning: to appear
Russian meaning: появляться
Old Japanese: arap-ar-a-
Middle Japanese: àràf-ar-a-
Tokyo: arawaré-
Kyoto: áráwáré-
Kagoshima: arawaré-
Comments: JLTT 677. The Kagoshima accent is aberrant (type B would be expected). The stem *àràpà- is also attested in *àràpà-s- 'to express, cause to appear'. japet-prnum,japet-meaning,japet-rusmean,japet-ajp,japet-mjp,japet-tok,japet-kyo,japet-kag,japet-comments,
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Uralic etymology :
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Number: 1193
Proto: *wElE
English meaning: to understand, think [SAS]
German meaning: ? sehen od. ? anrühren, tasten
Udmurt (Votyak): valal- (S K G) 'verstehen, begreifen, einsehen' ?
Komi (Zyrian): velal- (S), veva.v- (P), vȯ.lal- (PO) 'verstehen, begreifen, lernen; sich gewöhnen' ?
Hungarian: vél- 'meinen, denken, glauben', véleked- 'meinen, denken, vermuten', dial. vélekez-, véleksz- 'sich erinnern' ?
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Dravidian etymology :
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Proto-Dravidian : *ēḷ-
Meaning : wisdom
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Gondwan etymology :
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Proto-Gondi-Kui : *ēḷ-
Meaning : mind, wisdom
Notes : Parallels in Brahui.
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Kui-Kuwi etymology :
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Proto-Kui-Kuwi : *ēḷ-u
Meaning : mind, wisdom
Kui : ēlu, elki "mind, reason, thought, wisdom, understanding, remembrance"
Kuwi (Schulze) : ēḍu "wisdom"
Additional forms : Also Kui ēlu giva to think, remember
Number in DED : 912
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Brahui etymology :
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Brahui : hēl
Meaning : knowledge, wisdom
Additional forms : Also BRA hēl kanning to learn; hēl tining to teach
Number in DED : 912
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Eskimo etymology :
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Proto-Eskimo: *alar(i)-
Meaning: to appear, to become visible
Russian meaning: появляться, стать видным
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Yupik etymology :
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Proto-Yupik: *álarí-ʁ- (-tǝ-)
Meaning: to appear, to become clear (about weather) 1, to be visible or audible 2
Russian Meaning: появляться, проясняться 1, быть видимым, виднеться 2
Sirenik: aláʁiχtǝ̄́qǝχtǝ́χ 1, //alaritǝ-(qǝt)- [Vakh.] 2
Chaplino: alīʁaquq 1, alɨʁnakaka* 'to show', alītaquq 2
Naukan: aléʁaqā 1, alénkǝxtaq 'clearly visible'
Alutiiq Alaskan Yupik: alaiʁ- 1
Chugach (AAY): PWS alīʁ- 1
Koniag (AAY): Perry aɫaiʁ- 1
Central Alaskan Yupik: alaiʁ- 1, alaitǝ-
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 18, 19
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Inupik etymology :
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Proto-Inupik: *alatka-ʁ-
Meaning: to appear
Russian meaning: появляться
North Alaskan Inupik: alatkaq- 'to rise over horizon (sun)'
Eastern Canadian Inupik: alakka(q)-
Greenlandic Inupik: alakkaʁ- 'to rise (sun)'
GRI Dialects: EG alakkāʁ- 'to become visible'
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 16
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Chukchee-Kamchatkan etymology :
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Proto-Chukchee-Kamchatkan: *'ǝɫɫĕ-
Meaning (Rus.): глаз
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Chukchee-Koryak etymology :
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Proto-Chukchee-Koryak: *ǝ̣ɫɫạ-
Meaning (Rus.): глаз
Chukchee: ɫ(ǝ)ɫɛ=, lilɛ́=
Koryak: ɫ(ǝ)ɫa=/ lǝĺá=*, lǝla-t/ lǝ́ĺa-t* du. (III)
Palan: l(ǝ)le=
Alutor: l(ǝ)la=
Comments: Apхаичный глагол с именной основой отмечен в коp. cecáv- 'пеpеглянуться' (НРС 218), см. также еще *ɫ́iɫ́ʁet- 'рассматривать' (1578). Можно предположить, что изначально *ǝ̣ɫɫạ- < *ǝ̣ɫʒạ-.
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Itelmen etymology :
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Proto-Itelmen: *'lo-ŋ, *'lŭl-
Meaning (Rus.): глаз
Itelmen: lo-ŋ sg. (lŏŋ-a-'ń-č dim. pl.), lŭl' pl.
Itelmen meaning: глаз
West Itelmen: ĺĺo, [leĺĺa*] sg., ĺo'ǝĺ pl. (lul-k, lɨl-k loc.) 2, kam-iĺ-kin, kam-lul-kin, kam-lɨl-kin 3
West Itelmen meaning: oculus; ocularis; coecus 3
West Itelmen meaning (Polish): oko 1, oczny 2, ślepy 3
South Itelmen: nana sg., nani-d, [nanni-n*] pl. 1, 'a-nini-k 2
South Itelmen meaning (Latin): oculus 1, caecus 2
South Itelmen meaning (Polish): oko 1, ślepy 2
Number in Volodin 1976: 51, 155, 124, 167
Stebnitsky reference: 89, 90
Comments: В юж. камч. отрицание образовано с помощью каритивного конфикса *'e-...-kV.
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Afroasiatic etymology :
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Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ʔil-
Meaning: eye
Notes: *ʕ- in Agaw, reconstructed relying on Bilin, may probably be explained by contamination with Afras. *ʕayn- 'eye'. Cf. *ʔilal- 'see, look' (1465), with the same reflexation of *ʔ- as ʕ- in Bilin.
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Berber etymology :
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Proto-Berber: *wall(-Vn)
Meaning: 'eye' 1, 'eyes' 2
Ghadames: wǝl 1
Ahaggar (Tahaggart): all-ǝn 2
Semlal: wall-ǝn 2
Ntifa: all-n 2
Shawiya: t_-ala 1, 'source, spring'
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Central Chadic etymology :
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Proto-CChadic: *Hyal- (?< *Hyar-)
Meaning: 'eye'
Buduma=Yedina: yél [CLR: 127]
Gulfey: el [Lk]
Notes: cp. Kotoko sǝ̀, pl. ʔàl [CLR]
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Bedauye (Beja) etymology :
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Bedauye: líli
Meaning: 'eye'
Notes: redupl. <*ʔilʔil- ?
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Central Cushitic (Agaw) etymology :
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Proto-Agaw: *ʕil-
Meaning: 'eye'
Bilin: ʕe/il, ʕayl, il (rare) [Rein Bil 43, 25]
Khamir: (i)el
Khamta: ǝl
Qwara: (y)e
Dembea: (y)il
Qemant: yil
Awiya (Aungi): el, ǝll
Notes: *ʕ- in Bilin instead of the expected *ʔ- under the influence of Afras *ʕayVn- (258)?
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Low East Cushitic etymology :
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Proto-Low East Cushitic: *ʔil-
Meaning: 'eye'
Somali: il
Oromo (Galla): ila
Baiso: il(i)
Arbore: ille
Dasenech (Geleba): iil
Konso: il-da
Bussa: Il-ča
Gidole (Dirasha): il-ta
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High East Cushitic etymology :
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Proto-High East Cushitic: *Hill-
Meaning: 'eye'
Sidamo: illee
Darasa (Gedeo): ille
Hadiya (Gudella): illi
Alaba: ille
Burji (Bambala, Dashe): ille
Kambatta: ille
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South Cushitic etymology :
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Proto-South Cushitic: *ʔil-
Meaning: 'eye'
Iraqw (Mbulu): ila
Alagwa (Wasi): ila
Burunge (Mbulungi): ila
Asa-Aramanic: ʔil-at
Qwadza (Ngomvia): ili-to
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Dahalo etymology :
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Dahalo: ʔila
Meaning: 'eye'
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Mogogodo etymology :
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Mogogodo: ila
Meaning: 'eyes'
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Austric etymology :
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Proto-Austric: *lVj
Meaning: to see
Austroasiatic meaning: see
Munda parallels: M lɛl to see < Munda
Proto-Thai: lɛ:.A to see, watch
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Austro-Asiatic etymology :
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Proto-Austro-Asiatic: lVj
Meaning: see
Thai: lɛ:.A to see, watch
Proto-Monic: M gla:j
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Katuic etymology :
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Proto-Katuic: *l[a/ǝ]j
Meaning: see
Presyllable: #
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East Katuic etymology :
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Proto-East Katuic: *lǝj
Meaning: see
Presyllable: #
Pakoh: lǝj.L
Pakoh meaning: to see (PC)
Taojh: lǝj.L
Taojh meaning: to see (VL)
Katu dialects (1): lʌj
Katu dialects (2): lʌj
Katu dialects (3): lʌj
Katu dialects (4): lʌj
Katu meaning: to see
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Aslian etymology :
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Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Meaning: see
Jahai: ʔɛl
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