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Tsezian etymology :
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Proto-Tsezian: *=ac̣-
Meaning: to eat
Tsezi: =ac̣-
Ginukh: =ac̣-
Khvarshi: =ac̣-
Inkhokvari: =ac̣-
Comments: PTsKh *=ac̣-.
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North Caucasian etymology :
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Proto-North Caucasian: *=Vc̣_V
Meaning: to drink; to gulp, to eat
Notes: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Since the first vowel is reduced in all Andian reflexes and in Archi, the original vocalism is impossible to establish.
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Avar-Andian etymology :
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Protoform: *c̣:a-
Meaning: drink
Andian language: c̣:a-d-
Akhvakh: c̣:a-r-
Tindi: c:a-
Karata: c̣:a-r-
Bagvalal: c̣:e-
Comments: The root occurs often with suffixed *-d- (And., Tind.: c:a- < *c̣:ad-) or *-r- (Akhv., Kar.). It may have a counterpart in Av. c̣:a-ze 'smoke, sip' (although it must be a contamination with c̣:a-ze 'pull' - which is obviously a different stem); cf. also Av. Chad. c̣uc̣ú- ( = Av. lit. c̣:ac̣:á-) 'to suck'.
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Lezghian etymology :
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Proto-Lezghian: *ʔVc̣V (~-c̣:-)
Meaning: drink
Archi: c̣a-bus
Comment: The Arch. form is isolated within Lezgian and the precise reconstruction is therefore difficult to establish.
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Sino-Caucasian etymology :
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Proto-Sino-Caucasian: *=V́c̣V
Meaning: to eat, drink
Comments and references : HGC 19, NSC 64 *ʒVHV ( ~ c̣-). Cf. PND *śiʔ 'eat'. sccet-meaning,sccet-prnum,sccet-cauc,sccet-stib,sccet-yen,sccet-buru,sccet-basq,sccet-notes,
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Sino-Tibetan etymology :
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Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *ʒha
Meaning: eat
Tibetan: za (p. zos, bzos, f. bza, i. zo(s)) to eat, gzan to eat, devour, zan fodder, porridge.
Burmese: ćah to eat, LB *cah.
Kachin: ša3 eat, šat2 boiled rice, rice for eating.
Lushai: fa an old Lushai word for "rice", faʔ to feed with the mouth, KC *faʔ ~ *fakʔ.
Comments: PG *ca; BG: Garo tśaʔ-; Dimasa dźi; Namsangia tśa, Moshang sa; Kanauri za; Trung aŋ3dza1; Kham zyā; Kaike jāchye. Sh. 436, 124; Ben. 20; Mat. 192; Luce 3.
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Kiranti etymology :
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Proto-Kiranti: *ʒo (?/*ʒǝ)
Meaning: eat
Sunwar: 'ʒa-ca
Tulung: ʒāsikpa in grūsikpa ʒāsikpa one who cooks and eats selfishly by himself
Kaling: ʒönä (ʒɔŋɔ)
Comments: Toba 89 *co-.
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Limbu dictionary :
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Entry: camaʔ
Grammar: vt.irr.
Meaning: eat
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Dumi dictionary :
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Entry: dzunɨ
Grammar: vt-6a dza-dzuy/dzu-dzɨ-dzo
Meaning: 1) eat 2) take an oath (sɨptɨ )
Nepali: 1) khānu
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Kulung dictionary :
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Entry: cama
Grammar: vt-7 [1: cɔi- 2: cɔ- 3: cǝi- 4: cǝ- 5: cai- 6: ca-]
Meaning: eat
Nepali: khānu.
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Yamphu dictionary :
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Entry: ca:ma I
Stem: <ca:s- ; ca:->
Grammar: v.intr. &
Meaning: 1) to eat 2) to eat
Comments: 1) ca:ma ca:.ŋ.ä. (food eat.FCT.ISF eat.EXPS.FCT) Will you have a meal? Yes, I will. ca:maä? (food eat.RES.PF.FCT) Hello/have you eaten? ca:.beʔ (eat.RES) (as answer:) Hello/I have eaten. män.ja:.di:ʔ ( Hello/I haven't eaten yet. 2) peʔlo.noʔ ca:.n.u.ŋ.ha (much.EXF eat.NP.о3.EXAG.PLNR) I'll eat very much. co:s.e (eat.IMP) Eat it!
Nepali: khānu
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Yenisseian etymology :
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Proto-Yenisseian: *sī-
Meaning: to eat
Ket: sī (Кастр.) , praet. sīĺ, imp. *sīĺ (Werner 2, 191: śi4 / śij4)
Yug: sī (Кастр.) , praet. sīr, imp. sīr (Werner 2, 191: si:hj4, praet. sih:r)
Kottish: šig "Speise"
Arin: šau (М., Сл., Срсл.) id.
Pumpokol: sogo (Сл., Срсл., Кл.) "eat"
Comments: The Pump. forms dɨsian (Кл.), dɨsijan (Срсл.) are in reality Yug. In Ket cf. also śi:k3 (a suffixed form? cf. Yug /Werner 2, 205/ sījǝk id.) 'bait'. Werner 1, 360 <*siʔǝgǝ->. In ССЕ 274 I have reconstructed *siG- on the basis of the Kottish and Pumpokol forms. However, 4th tone in Ket śi4 and Yug si:hj4 recorded by Werner forces to change the reconstruction to *sī-, without any postvelar element: otherwise the tone would be 1 (in case of short *i) or 3 (in case of long *ī), see КС 196. The Kott. and Pump. forms are thus rather matching the suffixed forms Ket śi:k3, Yug sījǝk, see above.
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Burushaski etymology :
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Common Burushaski: *śi / *ṣi / *ṣu
Meaning: eat
Yasin: -ṣí- / -ṣú-
Hunza: śé-, ṣú-
Nagar: śé-, ṣú-
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Basque etymology :
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Proto-Basque: *auśi-ki
Meaning: to bite
Araban: isugi
Bizkaian: isugi, usigi, (arc) esugi, (Arratia) utsigi
Gipuzkoan: ausiki, usiki, utsiki
Low Navarrese: ausiki
Lapurdian: ausiki, asiki, (arc) autsiki
Zuberoan: usúki, (Alçay) isuki, (Larrau) üsüki, (arc) usiki
Comments: The forms with /ć/ (autsiki, utsiki, utsigi) are mentioned by Michelena (1961: 286), without a definite cause (a kind of expressive intensification?).
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Long-range etymologies :
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Borean (approx.) : CVHV
Meaning : to eat
Afroasiatic : ? Akk. šēʔu 'polstern'; Eg. sꜣy 'satt werden/machen'
Austric : PAA *ca 'eat'
Amerind (misc.) : *(i)CV- 'eat; tooth' (under *iṭio 'tooth' R 773) [+ K]
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Nostratic etymology :
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Eurasiatic: *ʒeGV
Meaning: to eat
References: МССНЯ 340; ND 2008 *SEʔ[y]u 'be full' (Hitt. + SH + very dub. TM); 2023 *sEg/kV 'eat, swallow' (Ur. + quite dub. Alt.); 2713 *ʒ́eGa 'to get/be sated' (Kartv, IE, Alt.). nostret-meaning,nostret-prnum,nostret-ier,nostret-alt,nostret-ura,nostret-kart,nostret-reference,
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Indo-European etymology :
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Proto-IE: *sā-
Meaning: satisfied, to satiate
Tokharian: A si-n-, B soy- 'to satisfy' (Adams 703)
Old Indian: a-sinvá-, á-sinvant- `insatiable'
Old Greek: áetai̯ Hsd. (cod. áatai), hom.: ā́menai̯, aor. ā̂sai̯, conj. héōmen (< *hḗomen), ft. ásẹ̄n, va. á-ato- `(sich) sättigen', hádǟn `bis zur Sättigung, genug', hadǟ-phágo- `gefrässig', lakon., Аристофан в глосах áada `недостаток, нехватка' (Hsch.), inf. aadeîn = aporeîsthai, asiteîn Hsch.; hádos n. (~ hádo-s m.) `Sättigung', ? ásǟ f. `Ekel, Unbehagen, Verdruss'
Latin: satis, sat `genug'; satur, -a `satt'
Celtic: OIr sāith `Sattheit', sāithech `satt'
Russ. meaning: сытый, насыщать(ся)
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Vasmer's dictionary :
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Word: сы́тый,
Near etymology: диал. сыто́й; сыт, сыта́, сы́то, укр. си́тий, ст.-слав. сытъ ἀρκούμενος, до сыти εἰς κόρον (Супр.), болг. сит, сербохорв. си̏т, ж. си̏та, ср. си̏то, словен. sìt, ж. síta, чеш. syt, sytý, слвц. sýty, польск., в.-луж., н.-луж. sуtу.
Further etymology: Напрашивается сравнение с лит. sotùs, ср. р. sõtu, вост.-лит. sótus "сытый, обильный, сытный", sótis ж. "насыщение, сытость", sótinti "насыщать", лтш. sãts "сытный", др.-прусск. sātuinei "насыщаешь", гот. sōþ ср. р. "насыщение", saþs "сытый", греч. ἄατος "ненасытный", ἅδην "достаточно", лат. satis -- то же, satur "сытый", ирл. sаthасh "satur"; см. Траутман, ВSW 250; М.--Э. 3, 809; Вальде--Гофм. 2, 481 и сл.; Педерсен, Kelt. Gr. I, 71. Слав. -у-, выпадающее из апофонической серии, полагали необходимым объяснять влиянием какой-либо др. группы слов (Траутман). Миккола (Ursl. Gr. I, 113) пытается установить связь чередования гласных с польск. suty, sowity "обильный". Другие отделяют *sytъ от перечисленных выше слов со знач. "сытый" и сближают с др.-инд. c̨ávas "сила", авест. sаvа-, др.-инд. c̨ū́ras "сильный, могущественный", c̨áviṣṭhas "самый сильный", авест. sūra- "сильный, могущественный", sǝvišta-, греч. κῦρος ср. р. "сила, мощь", κύ̄ριος "господин" (Зубатый, LF 28, 89; Френкель, IF 50, 7 и сл.). Реконструкция праформы и.-е. *svāt-, *svōt- для вышеупомянутых слов со знач. "сытый" неприемлема, вопреки Видеману (ВВ 30, 219), как и и.-е. *sōut-, вопреки Хирту (Ablaut 39 и сл.), но ср. Мейе--Эрну 1052; Кипарский 87 и сл. Не вполне достоверно слав. *sъt- наряду с *sytъ на основании словен. dósta, dósti "достаточно", вопреки Брандту (РФВ 24, 189). Заимствование из гот. sōþs невероятно, вопреки Уленбеку (AfslPh 15, 491), Пайскеру (95), Лёве (KZ 39, 323), к тому же тогда было бы *sutъ. Лит. suitis "обильный", лтш. suits "излишний" заимств. из слав., как и др.-прусск. zuit "достаточно" (М.--Э. 3, 1116).
Trubachev's comments: [Голуб--Копечный (366) относят сюда же англ. sаd "печальный". -- Т.]
Pages: 3,821
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Baltic etymology :
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Proto-Baltic: *sā̂-ti- c., *sā̂-t-u- adj. (1), *sā̂-t-in̂- vb.
Meaning: satisfied
Lithuanian: sṓti-s `Sättigung', sōtù-, ostlit. sṓtu- `satt, gesättigt, leicht sättigend, nahrhaft, reichlich', sṓtinti `sättigen, satt machen'
Lettish: sãts, sãta, sāte, sàts2 (gen. -s-) 'Segen, Gedeuhen (beim Essen), Nayrfähigkeit, Verschlagsamkeit'; sãts 'sättigend, mächtig; genügsam, mässig'; sãtĩba 'Genügsamkeit, Mässigkeit'
Old Prussian: sātuinei 'sättigt'
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Germanic etymology :
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Proto-Germanic: *sōɵ=, *sadá-, *sadjan- vb., *sadí-z, *sadjṓ, *sadōn- vb., *sadēn- vb.
Meaning: sate, satisfied
Gothic: dat. sōɵa `satisfaction', ga-sōɵjan wk. `make satisfied'; *saɵ-s (a) `full, satisfied'
Old Norse: saδ-r `satt'; seδja wk. `sättigen'
Old English: ge-sēdan `sättigen'; säd `satt, überdrüssig', sadian `satt w.'
English: sad
Old Saxon: sad `satt'
Middle Dutch: sat `verzadigd'
Dutch: zat
Old Franconian: sad
Old High German: sat (9.Jh.) `satt', satōn `sättigen'
Middle High German: sɛte, sɛtte st. f. 'satigung, sattheit, fülle; gesättigte, dunkle farbe'; saten wk. 'satt sein oder werden'; saten, satten, sɛten, sɛtten wk. tr. `satt machen, sättigen'; sat 'satt, gesättigt; voll, genügend'
German: satt
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Pokorny's dictionary :
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Number: 1639
Root: sā-, sǝ-
English meaning: satiated
German meaning: `satt; sättigen'
Derivatives: sā-ti-s `Sattheit'
Material: Ai. a-si-n-vá-, ásinvan `unersättlich' (setzt ein Praes. *sǝ-néu-mi, *sǝ-nu̯-ṓ voraus); arm. at-ok` `voll, ausgewachsen'; hač, hačoy `zufrieden' (*sadi̯o-);
gr. them. Präs. ἄεται `sättigt sich' (Hesiod; *sǝ-i̯ṓ), athem. Wurzelaor. ἄ̄μεναι (Hom.) `sich sättigen'; Aor. Inf. ἆσαι `sättigen' und `satt werden', ἕωμεν (*ἥομεν, Konj. Aor.), Fut. ἄ̄σειν, usw.; ἄ-ατος (*n̥-sǝ-tos) `unersättlich', ἅδην = böot. ἅδᾱν `bis zur Sättigung, genug' (Akk. von ἅδᾱ `Sättigung'); ἁδη-φάγος `gefräßig', ἁδινός `dicht, reichlich', ἁδρός `dicht, reif';äol. ἄσα, ion. ἄση `Übersättigung, Überdruß, Kummer' (*sǝ-sā mit Bewahrung des σ nach δι̃π-σα, δόκ-σα), wovon ion. ἀσάομαι `bin satt, ekle mich', ἀσάω `übersättige', ἄσᾱρος, ἀσηρός `verächtlich; Ekel erregend';
lat. satis `genug' (ursprüngl. Subst. `Sättigung'), Kompar. satius; satietās, syllabisch dissimiliert satiās `Sättigung. hinreichende Menge, Überdruß'; satur `satt' (ro-Erweiterung einesu-St.);
air. sāith (*sāti-) `Sattheit'; sāithech `satt';
got. Dat. Sg. sōþa (Nom. *sōþ n. oder *sōþs m.) `Sättigung', Postverbale zu gasōþjan `sättigen' = ags. gesēdan ds.; got. saþs, aisl. saðr, as. sad, ahd. sat `satt', ags. sæd `satt, überdrüssig', eng. sad `betrübt, ernst'; abgeleitet aisl. seðja, mhd. seten, setten `sattigen' und ags. sadian `satt werden', ahd. satōn `sättigen';
lit. sótis f. `Sättigung', sōtùs `satt', Postverbale zu sótinti `sättigen'; aksl. sуtъ `satt' (mit unklarem y).
References: WP. II 444 f., 452; WH. II 481 f., Trautmann 250; Wissmann, Die ältesten Postverbalia 67 f.;
See also: s. auch sāno-s.
Pages: 876
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Altaic etymology :
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Proto-Altaic: *ǯē
Meaning: to eat
Russian meaning: есть
Comments: EAS 65, Poppe 27, Lee 1958, 113, АПиПЯЯ 35, 281, Дыбо 13. Mong. *ǯoɣog 'meal; pleasure' was alternatively compared (see KW 477) with PT *juba- 'to enjoy; console' (see ЭСТЯ 4, 240-241) - which is not excluded, but does not weaken the rest of the etymology. The derived form with a labial suffix must have already existed in PA (Kor. čap- = ТМ *ǯe-p- = PJ *da-pa-). The root (one of a number of common Altaic monosyllabic roots) is quite valid, despite Doerfer's (TMN 4, 193) critical attempts. . altet-prnum,altet-meaning,altet-rusmean,altet-turc,altet-mong,altet-tung,altet-kor,altet-jap,altet-reference,
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Turkic etymology :
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Proto-Turkic: *jē-
Meaning: to eat
Russian meaning: есть
Old Turkic: je- (OUygh.)
Karakhanid: je-, jẹ- (MK, KB) Turkish: je-
Tatar: ǯim 'food'
Uzbek: je-
Uighur: jä-
Sary-Yughur: ji-
Azerbaidzhan: je-
Turkmen: ij-
Khakassian: če-
Shor: čī-
Oyrat: d́e-
Halaj: jiē-
Chuvash: śi-
Yakut: sie-
Dolgan: hie-
Tuva: či-
Tofalar: či-
Kirghiz: ǯe-
Kazakh: že-
Noghai: je-
Bashkir: je-
Balkar: ǯeje- (arch.)
Gagauz: i-
Karaim: je-
Karakalpak: že-
Salar: ji-
Kumyk: je-
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Mongolian etymology :
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Proto-Mongolian: *ǯa- / *ǯe-
Meaning: 1 meal 2 to be hungry
Russian meaning: 1 еда, пища 2 быть голодным
Written Mongolian: ǯoɣog 1 (L 1067: ǯoɣuɣ, ǯoɣ), ǯemü- 2 Khalkha: ʒōg 1
Buriat: ʒōg 1
Kalmuck: zōg 1, zöm- 'to be thirsty' (КРС) Ordos: ǯōG
Shary-Yoghur: ǯūg 1
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Tungus etymology :
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Proto-Tungus-Manchu: *ǯe-p-
Meaning: to eat
Russian meaning: есть
Evenki: ǯep-, ǯeb-
Even: ǯeb-, ǯep-
Negidal: ǯep-
Spoken Manchu: ǯe- (392)
Literary Manchu: ǯe-
Jurchen: ǯe-fu (535)
Ulcha: ǯepuwu
Orok: deptu-
Nanai: ǯeb-, ǯep-
Oroch: ǯepte-
Udighe: ǯo-, ǯe-, ǯepte-
Solon: ǯeg-, ǯeb-
Comments: ТМС 1, 279-280. tunget-prnum,tunget-meaning,tunget-rusmean,tunget-evk,tunget-evn,tunget-neg,tunget-sib,tunget-man,tunget-chu,tunget-ulc,tunget-ork,tunget-nan,tunget-orc,tunget-ude,tunget-sol,tunget-reference,
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Korean etymology :
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Proto-Korean: *čā-
Meaning: to eat
Russian meaning: есть
Modern Korean: čāsi-, čapsu-
Middle Korean: čā-sí-
Comments: Nam 411, KED 1380, 1398. koret-prnum,koret-meaning,koret-rusmean,koret-phn,koret-ako,koret-reference,
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Japanese etymology :
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Proto-Japanese: *dapa-
Meaning: hungry
Russian meaning: голодный
Old Japanese: japa-
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Uralic etymology :
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Number: 905
Proto: *sewe (*seɣe)
English meaning: to eat
German meaning: essen
Finnish: syö- 'essen'
Estonian: söö-, süü-
Mordovian: śeve-, säwi- (E), śeve-, śive- (M) 'verzehren, aufessen'
Udmurt (Votyak): śi-, śii̮- (S), śi-, śiǝ̑- (K), śiị̑- 'essen', śektal- 'bewirten', śuam 'Hochzeitsfest' (G)
Komi (Zyrian): śoj- (S P), śu.j- (PO) 'essen', śove̮d- (S), śod- (P) 'füttern'
Khanty (Ostyak): li- (V O), i- (Vj.), te- (DN) 'essen'
Mansi (Vogul): tī-, tǟj-, täj- (TJ), tē-, tɔ̄̈j- (KU), tē-, tāj-, taj- (P), tē-, tāj- (So.)
Hungarian: ëv-, ë-, ësz-
Sammalahti's version: *sewi-
Yukaghir parallels: leu-, leg-, läg- 'essen'
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Kartvelian etymology :
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Proto-Kartvelian: *ʒeɣ-
Russian meaning: насыщать(ся)
English meaning: to be satiated
Georgian: ʒɣ-, ʒeɣ-
Megrel: rʒɣ-
Laz: ʒɣ-
Notes and references: ЭСКЯ 235, EWK 477. Ср. ПИЕ *s[ǝ]-to- 'сытый', алт. *ǯē 'есть', урал. *sē[ɣ]e id. (МССHЯ 340).
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