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Цезская этимология :

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Працезский: *q̇Ie-
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: 1 down, below 2 floor
Цезский: q̇Ii-da 1
Инхокваринский: q̇Ie-l 2
Бежтинский: q̇e-re 1 (Tlad.)
Гунзибский: q̇e-re 1
Комментарии: PTsKh *q̇e- (with different suffixes); PGB *q̇e-re.

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Севернокавказская этимология :

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MEANING: down, below
AAND: *hoq̇V-
CEZ: *q̇e-
LEZG: *q̇a-
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Archi q̇a-t:u is an exact parallel for Av. ʕo-do-. The root is not very widely spread, and the first syllable is often reduced (because of suffixes and its adverbial character), so the vocalism is hard to reconstruct.

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Аваро-андийская этимология :

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Праформа: *hoq̇V-
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: 1 down, below 2 sit 3 floor
Аварский: ʕo-dó 1
Чадаколоб: =aʕun- 2
Андийский: hoGu 1
Ахвахский: q̇o-da 3
Комментарии: The root is used as an adverb in Av. (literary Av., where it is provided with a -d- suffix) and And., as a noun in Akhv. ('floor' < *'down, below'), but as a verb 'to sit' in Av. Chad. This development is rather natural, because both Av. ʕo-dó and And. hoGu are used in compounds for 'to sit' (Av. ʕo-do č̣:e-ze, Chad. =aʕun-c̣el-ži lit. 'to stand below', And. hoGu w-uḳ- liter. 'to be below'). The Av. and Akhv. forms have undergone a reduction: ʕo-dó, q̇o-da < *HVq̇V-do. The same derivate is probably reflected in And. Gu-di 'deep' (*'below').

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Лезгинская этимология :

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Пралезгинский: *q̇a-
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: down, below
Арчинский: q̇a-t:u
Комментарий: Attested only in Archi, but having probable external parallels.

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