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Лезгинская этимология :
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Пралезгинский: *kʷɨlṭ-/*ḳʷɨlt-
Значение: 1 temple 2 cheek 3 head 4 skull
Рутульский: q̇ɨlta-n 1 (Khn.)
Цахурский: ḳutel 1
Крызский: ḳʷaṭin 2
Будухский: ḳuṭun 2
Арчинский: karṭi 3
Удинский: ? k:ant:az 4
Комментарий: Cf. also Tsakh. (Tsakh.) ḳurṭel 'temple'. In Rut. q̇- is due to contamination with q̇ul 'head'; the Udi form is somewhat obscure phonetically (maybe we should rather list here Ud. ḳodo-χ 'forehead' ?). All languages show suffixed forms (with *-n in Rut., Kryz. and Bud., *-l in Tsakh. and *-j in Arch.). 3d class in Kryz. and Bud., but 4th class in Rut., Tsakh. and Arch.
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Севернокавказская этимология :
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PROTO: *kɨ̄lṭwV
MEANING: some flat part of body
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. The semantic shifts between "temple of head" ( > "head"), "cheek" and "buttock" are rather usual, but it is not quite clear which part of body was originally denoted by the root. The Khin. form could be borrowed from Shakh-Dagh languages (cf. Bud. ḳuṭun), but this is not very probable because of metathesis in Khin.
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Нахская этимология :
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Протонахский: *kōrta
Значение: head
Чеченский: korta
Ингушский: korta
Бацбийский: kortŏ
Комментарии: Obl. base *kōrti- (Chech. körta-, Ing. kerto). 6th class in all languages.
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Аваро-андийская этимология :
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Праформа: *ḳortV (~ -a-)
Значение: 1 temple (of head) 2 hair in horse's mane
Чадаколоб: kart 2
Чамалинский: ḳart 1
Тиндинский: ḳ́atu 1
Ботлихский: ḳarti 1
Комментарии: Cf. also Botl. ḳarta-χ:u 'dishevelled (hair)'. In Av. there occurred an assimilation (kart < *ḳart). Av. paradigm C (kartí-l, kárta-l); in plural the word also means 'mane'.
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Цезская этимология :
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Працезский: *kɨṭʷa / *kʷɨṭa
Значение: buttock
Гинухский: keṭa
Бежтинский: koṭa (Khosh)
Гунзибский: koṭɔ (Nakh.)
Комментарии: PGB *koṭa (Gunz. -ɔ is secondary or badly recorded instead of -a; note also the Gunz. dialectal form kõṭa, suggesting a possibility of nasalisation in PTs).
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Лакская этимология :
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Лакский корень: č̣anṭi
Значение: temple; forelock
Лакская форма: č̣anṭi
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Хиналугская этимология :
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Хиналугский корень: ṭuḳun
СК этимология: 256
Значение: cheek
Хиналугская форма: ṭuḳun
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