
: face="Times New Roman Star"*tujH
: face="Times New Roman Star"
: face="Times New Roman Star"water
: face="Times New Roman Star"? *tuj water.
: face="Times New Roman Star"LB: Achang ti water.
: face="Times New Roman Star"mdi1 be wet.
: face="Times New Roman Star"tui, KC *Dui water.
: face="Times New Roman Star"da a pond, a lake, stagnant water
: face="Times New Roman Star"*dhi
: face="Times New Roman Star"BG: Dimasa di water, Bodo bidy, Garo tsi, Banpara ti; Rawang thi; Kanauri ti; Vayu ti; Magari di; Pwo, Sgaw thi. Sh. 48, 442; Ben. 45, 134. Initial *dh- in PK is not quite clear. STEDT 372-376: *m-t(w)i ? *m-twy 'water, fluid', *ti(y) 'water' (two protoforms are proposed without comment, but it seems much more probable that we deal with a single root here).


: face="Times New Roman Star"?
() : face="Times New Roman Star"shui
OCHN: face="Times New Roman Star"tuj
CCHN: face="Times New Roman Star"twj
WCHN: face="Times New Roman Star"twj
ECHN: face="Times New Roman Star"cwj
EPCHN: face="Times New Roman Star"cwij
MPCHN: face="Times New Roman Star"cwij
LPCHN: face="Times New Roman Star"cwi
MCHN: face="Times New Roman Star"swi
: face="Times New Roman Star"water, river
OSHANIN: face="Times New Roman Star"1) ; ; ; ; ; ; 2) ; ; , ; ; 3) ( ); ; ; , ; 4) ; ; 5) ; 6) . ; 7) ()
: face="Times New Roman Star"MC s- is irregular; a clear indication of *t- is given by Min forms: Xiamen cui3, Chaozhou, Fuzhou cui3.
: face="Times New Roman Star"
: face="Times New Roman Star"
RADICAL: face="Times New Roman Star"85
OSHVAL: face="Times New Roman Star"5501
: face="Times New Roman Star"0576 a-c
: face="Times New Roman Star"sui1
: face="Times New Roman Star"sui1
: face="Times New Roman Star"sui1
: face="Times New Roman Star"39.1, 43.1, 43.2, 57.4, 58.4


: face="Times New Roman Star"108
: face="Times New Roman Star"
: face="Times New Roman Star"?
: face="Times New Roman Star"??????
ZIHUI: face="Times New Roman Star"3055 1208
: face="Times New Roman Star"suei 2
: face="Times New Roman Star"suei 2
: face="Times New Roman Star"fei 2
: face="Times New Roman Star"suei 2
: face="Times New Roman Star"suei 2
: face="Times New Roman Star"suei 2
: face="Times New Roman Star"sui 2
: face="Times New Roman Star"se_ 2 (lit.); s 2
: face="Times New Roman Star"si_ 21
: face="Times New Roman Star"syei 2
: face="Times New Roman Star"sy 2
: face="Times New Roman Star"sui 2
: face="Times New Roman Star"sui 2
: face="Times New Roman Star"_y 21
: face="Times New Roman Star"sui 2 (lit.); cui 2
: face="Times New Roman Star"cui 21
: face="Times New Roman Star"cuei 2
: face="Times New Roman Star"s 3
: face="Times New Roman Star"uei 2


: face="Times New Roman Star"*dhi
: face="Times New Roman Star"
: face="Times New Roman Star"lake
: face="Times New Roman Star"din pool, lake
: face="Times New Roman Star"dhi lake, pond, pool
: face="Times New Roman Star"diditti (Toba)
: face="Times New Roman Star"Toba 94 *dhi __-.

- :

: face="Times New Roman Star"*=V[t]wV
: face="Times New Roman Star"water
PRNUM: face="Times New Roman Star"PRNUM
: face="Times New Roman Star"*=VtwV
: face="Times New Roman Star"*tujH
: face="Times New Roman Star"*ut- ( ? x-)
: face="Times New Roman Star"*thi
BASQ: face="Times New Roman Star"*i=turi
: face="Times New Roman Star"NSC 63 *-twV, SCE 101.


PROTO: face="Times New Roman Star"*=VtwV
PRNUM: face="Times New Roman Star"PRNUM
MEANING: face="Times New Roman Star"to pour, soak
NAKH: face="Times New Roman Star"*c-bt-
AAND: face="Times New Roman Star"*=it- / *ti(r)-
CEZ: face="Times New Roman Star"*it-
LAK: face="Times New Roman Star"=u=ti-
DARG: face="Times New Roman Star"*-Vrt-
COMMENT: face="Times New Roman Star" Reconstructed for the PEC level. The root has many variants (with Ablaut and preverbs), especially in the Nakh and Av.-And. area, which makes it difficult to reconstruct vocalism. In several subgroups it tends to contaminate with *=itVl 'to drop, drip' (q.v.), which makes it sometimes difficult to attribute particular forms to *=VtwV or *=itVl. Still the two roots are opposed in several languages, and should be distinguished, at least for PEC.


: face="Times New Roman Star"*c-bt-
: face="Times New Roman Star"
: face="Times New Roman Star"to soak up
: face="Times New Roman Star"cd-
: face="Times New Roman Star"copt-
: face="Times New Roman Star" Chech. reflects only the terminative stem; Bacbi, besides copt-, has also the durative cept- < *c-bt-.

    The same root is contained in two common Nakh derivates:

    a) *b-ti-n 'raw' (Chech. bda, Ing. bijda /irregular: beda would be expected/, Bacb. boti; cf. also Cheb. bwdi, Shar. b(j)di etc.);

    b) (with reduplication) *tti-n 'wet' > Chech. tda, Ing. tda, Bacb. tate (cf. also Cheb. tade, Shar. tda etc.). The pure stem *tt- can be seen in Chech. td- 'to soak, become/make wet', Bacb. tat-dar id., tat-al 'liquid'.


- :

: face="Times New Roman Star"*=it- / *ti(r)-
: face="Times New Roman Star"
: face="Times New Roman Star"1 to pour 2 to drop, drip, flow
: face="Times New Roman Star"te- 1
: face="Times New Roman Star"=et- 2
: face="Times New Roman Star"te-d- 2
: face="Times New Roman Star"tor- 2
: face="Times New Roman Star" Stem I is reflected in Akhv. (=et-), stem II (sometimes with a -r-suffix) in other languages (it also occurs in Akhvakh dialects: Tseg., Ratl. tor- 'to drop, drip'). There also exists a reduplicated stem *tVt- > Tind. tot- 'to drop, drip', Cham. teti-d- id., Kar. tata-r- 'to drip, flow'.


: face="Times New Roman Star"*it-
: face="Times New Roman Star"
: face="Times New Roman Star"to pour
: face="Times New Roman Star"et-
: face="Times New Roman Star"g-it-
: face="Times New Roman Star"=ot- (Khosh.)
: face="Times New Roman Star" PTsKh *it- (or *g-it- with a preverb).


: face="Times New Roman Star"=u=ti-
: face="Times New Roman Star"
: face="Times New Roman Star"to pour
: face="Times New Roman Star"=u=ti-n
: face="Times New Roman Star" G. pr. =u=tu-nu. Cf. Khosr. =u=ti-n id.


: face="Times New Roman Star"*-Vrt-
: face="Times New Roman Star"
: face="Times New Roman Star"to pour
: face="Times New Roman Star"-Vrt- (Ur.)
: face="Times New Roman Star" The root is used mostly with preverbs, which makes it difficult to establish vocalism. Most probably it was *-art- / *-irt-, cf. Kub. k-at- / kat:-it- id.


: face="Times New Roman Star"*ut- ( ? x-)
: face="Times New Roman Star"
: face="Times New Roman Star"wet
: face="Times New Roman Star"uts (Castr.) 'foggy, cloudy'
: face="Times New Roman Star"utta-didi 'es tropft'
: face="Times New Roman Star"uta-tr 'to wet'
: face="Times New Roman Star"Werner 2, 369, 373 (without comparison and reconstruction).


- : face="Times New Roman Star"*thi
: face="Times New Roman Star"
: face="Times New Roman Star"to pour
: face="Times New Roman Star"-thi-
: face="Times New Roman Star"thi-
: face="Times New Roman Star"thi-


PROTO: face="Times New Roman Star"*i=turi
PRNUM: face="Times New Roman Star"PRNUM
MEANING: face="Times New Roman Star"fountain, spring
BZK: face="Times New Roman Star"iturri
GIP: face="Times New Roman Star"iturri
BNV: face="Times New Roman Star"ithurri
SAL: face="Times New Roman Star"iturri
LAB: face="Times New Roman Star"ithurri
ZBR: face="Times New Roman Star"thrri
RNC: face="Times New Roman Star"uturri
COMMENTS: face="Times New Roman Star"Cf. especially Karata tor- 'to drop, drip, flow'. For 'spring, source' the compound *itur-begi 'fountain-eye' is used (cf. Span. ojo, Arabic, Hebrew ayin with this sense), or *itur-sulo 'fountain-hole'. Some other forms from this root seem to be Bsq *e=to ?to drown? and *i=to- ?gutter?.


"" (.): face="Times New Roman Star"WVTV
: face="Times New Roman Star"water
: face="Times New Roman Star"*wetV
-: face="Times New Roman Star"*=V[t]wV
(.): face="Times New Roman Star"*tia (rather *itua) 'river; water' (R 572) [C An Pa MT E MC MP MG] ; *do 'water; drink' (R 834) [P
: face="Times New Roman Star" 334.


: face="Times New Roman Star"*wetV
: face="Times New Roman Star"water
: face="Times New Roman Star"
: face="Times New Roman Star"*wod-
: face="Times New Roman Star"*udV (?-o-)
: face="Times New Roman Star"*wete
: face="Times New Roman Star"*jd_-
-: face="Times New Roman Star"*jt- 'to drip'
: face="Times New Roman Star"[For PIE *und- 1206 cf. PA *untu 2526; in Drav. cf.: *vedd- / *t- (DEDR 1047); *t- (DEDR 743) 'wet, become wet'; *vati- 'to drip' (DEDR 5221); *ut- 'to urinate' (DEDR 696).]
: face="Times New Roman Star" 334; ND 2544 *`wete '(flowing) water' (Alt, Ur, IE + Drav *vat- + very dub. SH).


: face="Times New Roman Star"*wod-(or/en-)
PRNUM: face="Times New Roman Star"PRNUM
. : face="Times New Roman Star"water
: face="Times New Roman Star"watar n. (r/n), dat.-loc. weteni (Friedrich 249-250)
: face="Times New Roman Star"B yot 'vital fluid, broth' (Adams 511)
.-: face="Times New Roman Star"unatti, undati `to flow, spring (as water); to wet, bathe', udaka-, loc. udan(i), gen. udnah, instr. udn n. `water'; samudra- m. `sea, ocean', anudra- `waterless'; utsa- m. `spring, fountain'
: face="Times New Roman Star"vaidi- f. 'Wasserlauf, Bewsserungskanal'
: face="Times New Roman Star"get `Fluss'
.-: face="Times New Roman Star"hdr, -atos n. `Wasser'
: face="Times New Roman Star"*vod
: face="Times New Roman Star"*wan^d- (-en-es) (2), *un^d- (-en-es) (2), *und-a- n., *und-[a]- m.
: face="Times New Roman Star"*wat-an-, *wat-ar- n.
: face="Times New Roman Star"Umbr utur, abl. une Wasser
: face="Times New Roman Star"*udeskjo- ? > OIr u(i)sce `Wasser'
: face="Times New Roman Star"uj Wasser
: face="Times New Roman Star"
: face="Times New Roman Star"WP I 252 f


: face="Times New Roman Star",
: face="Times New Roman Star" , ., . , .-., .-. dwr (.), . , . , . voda, . voda, . voda, . woda, .-., .-. woda. , .
: face="Times New Roman Star" . vanduo, . . vandens, . unduo, .-.-. waar "", . wat, . dwr, datoj, . get "", . bdu, .-. udakam, uda-, udan- "", unatti " ", "", dman- . . "", . uj ""; . unda "" . vanduo ; . 850; . , Pluralb. 202 .; . -- . 4, 404 .; 434; , Aind. Wb. 28 . r/n.
: face="Times New Roman Star"1,330


: face="Times New Roman Star"*wan^d- (-en-es) (2), *un^d- (-en-es) (2), *und-a- n., *und-[a]- m.
: face="Times New Roman Star"water
PRNUM: face="Times New Roman Star"PRNUM
: face="Times New Roman Star"vanduo, gen. -ens, acc. vandeni `Wasser', dial. unduo, unduo `Wasser'
: face="Times New Roman Star"u^dens (gen. -ns/-na), u^dens2, u^dins 'Wassser'
: face="Times New Roman Star"wundan n., unds m. 'Wasser'


: face="Times New Roman Star"*watan, *watar
: face="Times New Roman Star"water
PRNUM: face="Times New Roman Star"PRNUM
: face="Times New Roman Star"wat n. (n) `water'
: face="Times New Roman Star"vatn n. `Wasser'
: face="Times New Roman Star"vatn
: face="Times New Roman Star"vtur
: face="Times New Roman Star"vatten
: face="Times New Roman Star"vand
: face="Times New Roman Star"wter, -es n. (/f.) `water'
: face="Times New Roman Star"water
: face="Times New Roman Star"watar
: face="Times New Roman Star"wter
: face="Times New Roman Star"water n.
: face="Times New Roman Star"watar, water
-: face="Times New Roman Star"wter
: face="Times New Roman Star"watar
: face="Times New Roman Star"waar (8.Jh.)
-: face="Times New Roman Star"waer st. n. 'wasser'
: face="Times New Roman Star"Wasser n.


: face="Times New Roman Star"136
: face="Times New Roman Star"au(e)-9, aued-, auer-
: face="Times New Roman Star"to flow, to wet; water, etc.
: face="Times New Roman Star"`benetzen, befeuchten, flieen'
: face="Times New Roman Star"a) au//-, auent-:

    Hisp. FlN Avo[s] > span. Ave, ON A[v]o-briga; gall. FlN Aveda > prov. Aveze (Gard), Avisio portus (Alpes-mar.);

    ai. avata-h m. `Brunnen' (*auntos), avata-h `Zisterne' (mit prakrit. t aus t), ital. FlN Avns im Sabinerland (davon Aventnus m. Hgel Roms?), Aventia (Etrurien), gall. Aventia, Quellnymphe von Aventicum > frz. Avenches (Schweiz), zahlreiche FlNAvantia (*aunti) > frz. Avance, La Vence, abrit. *Avants > cymr. Ewenni; alit. FlNAvanta, lett. avuots (*auontos) `Quelle'.

    b) aued-, aud-, d-; heteroklit. r/n-St. uedr, uodr (Nom. Sg.), uden(i) (Lok.Sg.), udnes (Gen. Sg.) `Wasser', vgl. J. Schmidt Pl. 172 ft., Pedersen KZ. 32, 240 ff., Bartholomae PBrB. 41, 273.

    Ai. dat `die Quellende, Wallende', dman- n. `das Wogen, Fluten', da-na-m `Brei in Milch gekocht', av. aoda- m. `Quelle'.

    Ai. unatti (*u-n-ed-ti), 3. Pl. undati `quellt, benetzt'; av. vaidi- f. `Wasserlauf, Bewsserungskanal'.

    Ai. udan(i) Lok., udnah Gen., ud Nom. Akk. Pl. `Wasser' (Nom. Akk. Sg. udaka-m); vom r-St. abgeleitet samudra-h `Meer', anudra-h `wasserlos' (= gr. nudroj);

    udro-s `Wassertier': ai. udra-h `ein Wassertier' = av. udra- m. `Otter, Fischotter' (= gr. droj, ahd. usw. ottar, vgl. auch lat. lutra und mit lit. udra, aksl.vydra ds.);

    von einem -(e)s-St. ai. utsa-h `Quelle, Brunnen', vgl. air. uisce (*udeskio-) `Wasser';

    arm. get `Flu' (Gdf. *ued, Sandhiform zu uedr, vgl. unten slav. voda; ihr entspricht auch phryg. bedu `Wasser', d. i. *ved aus *ued, Kretschmer Einl. 225).

    Gr. dwr, datoj (*ud-n-toj) `Wasser' (mit metr. Dehnung udwr); vom r-St. abgeleitet nudroj `wasserlos', droj, dra `Wasserschlange', nudrj f. `Fischotter', darj, darj `wsserig' (daloj ds. mit Suffixtausch; hnlich lloj `Wasserschlange, Ichneumon' : droj = lak. ll : dra), deroj `Wassersucht', dra `Wassereimer' (: lat. uter); vom n-St. (vgl. dnhj `wsserig') abgeleitet `Alosdnh eig. `Meereswoge' (?), Beiname der Amphitrite und Thetis (Johansson Beitr. 117; ob auch dnon `Trffel' als `saftig'??), sowie wahrscheinlich Kal-udn, -dna (-mna), Kaldnioi, -mnioi (s. Boisacq 998 a)?

    es-St. t doj `Wasser' ist erst spt poet. Nom. Akk. zum Dat. dei.

    Maked. ON Edessa aus *uedesi, Kretschmer RIEt Balc. 1, 383.

    Alb. uje `Wasser' (nach Pedersen KZ. 34, 286; 36, 339 nicht aus *ud-ni, sondern aus *ud-; oder doch aus *ud?).

    Lat. unda, f. `Welle, Woge' (mit n-Infix aus dem Prsens; vgl. apr. wundan n., unds m. `Wasser' und ai. unatti, undati sowie lit. vanduo, -ens, vandeni, em. unduo, lett. u^dens m. f. `Wasser', und dazu Schulze EN. 243, Brugmann Grdr. II2 3, 281, 283, Trautmann 337); uter, utris `Schlauch' (*udri-s `*Wasserschlauch', vgl. gr. dra), lutra `Fischotter' (l- nach lutum `Pftze').

    Umbr. utur n. `Wasser' (= dwr), Abl. une (*udni).

    Air. u(i)sce `Wasser' (*udeskio-), odar `braun' (*udaros), coin fodorne `Ottern' (`Wasserhunde').

    Got. wat (n-St.), Dat. Pl. watnam `Wasser'; aschwed. v?tur (? = idg. e? eher Umlaut von germ. a in den -in-Kasus, s. Bartolomae aaO.), aisl. vatn n. (o-St. geworden, vgl. got. Dat. Pl. watnam), vatr, nord. Seename Vttern; ahd. wazzar, as. watar, ags.w?ter (*uodr) `Wasser'; aisl. otr, ags. otor, ahd. ottar m. `Otter', dazu FlN Otter, alt Uterna; mit Binnennasalierung (vgl. oben zu lat. unda) wahrscheinlich got. wintrus, aisl.vetr, ags. winter, ahd. as. wintar `Winter' als `nasse Jahreszeit' (Liden PBrB. 15, 522, Falk-rp unter vinter; nicht besser zu ir. find `wei', s. unter sueid- `glnzen');

    vielleicht zu Wasser auch ahd. ags. wascan, aisl. vaska, nhd. waschen, wusch (*wat-sk-); mit Dehnstufe von der Wz. aus gebildet aisl. vtr, ags. w?t, engl. wet `na, durchnt'.

    Im Germ. auch mit ? ags. wa?um m. `Woge', schwundstuf. aisl. unnr, u?r, Pl. unnir `unda', as. thia, ?ia, ags. y?, ahd. undea `Woge, Welle, Flut', wie von einer Wzvariante *uet-, die aber sonst nirgends gefunden ist; Johansson Beitr. 117 f. sieht darin das t des Typus ai. yakr-t.

    Lit. vanduo usw. (s. oben); lit. udra, pr. udro f., ostlit. udras, lett. u^dris m. `Fischotter'; aksl. vydra, skr. vdra (bsl. d- : lit. vand-eni; s. zuletzt Trautmann 334 m. Lit.; zum vgl. Pedersen Et. Lit. 54 f.);

    aksl. voda `Wasser' (Fem. geworden wegen des Ausganges -a, der hier fr idg. -[r]); dehnstufig aksl. vedro `kdoj, stamnoj' (mit dra in der Bed. gut stimmend, s. Meillet MSL. 14, 342, Trautmann 337);

    hett. wa-a-tar (wtar) `Wasser', Gen. u-te-na-as (e-Stufe wie phryg. bedu, das a des Nom. aus e?). Nom. Pl. u-wi-ta-ar, mit ungeklrtem Vokalismus trotz Pedersen Hitt. 167.

    c) auer- `Wasser, Regen, Flu' (ur- : r-; zum Ablaut Persson Beitr. 604, Anm. 2).

    1. ur-, uer-: Ai. vr, vri n. `Wasser', av. vr n. `Regen' (mit themat. Flexion iran. av. vr `regnen', med. `regnen lassen'), ai. vr f. `Wasser', av. vairi- m. `See';

    toch. A wr, war `Wasser';

    arm. gayr `Sumpf, Schlamm' (*uerio-);

    gr. vielleicht in rw `schpfe', wenn *r [s]w (s. *aus- `schpfen');

    alb. (nach Jokl SBAk. Wien 168 I 30, 89, 97) vrende `leichter Regen' (nt-Partiz.); hur-de `Teich, Zisterne, Sumpf' (*r-), shure `harne', shure (postverbal) f. `Harn' (Prfix sh aus lat. ex oder idg. *sm + r-ne; oder + gr. orw?);

    cymr. gwer m. `Talg';

    anord. vari m. `Flssigkeit, Wasser'.

    2. r-, auer-: Lat. rna `Harn' (in der Bed. durch oron beeinflut?), rnor, -r `untertauchen', rntor `Taucher';

    anord. r `feiner Regen', yra `fein regnen', rigr `betaut', ags. rig ds.; vielleicht anord. rr, Gen. rar (u-St.), ags. r, ahd. ro, rohso, lat. Lw. rus `Auerochs', schwed. mdartl. ure `stiger Stier' (`*Betrufler, Besamer' wie ai. vran- usw., s. unten); Wzf. auer- in thrak. FlN Araj, gr. (Persson IF. 35, 199) *ara `Wasser, Quell' in nauroj `wasserlos, von Bchen' u. dgl. (ber gr. qhsaurj und Kntauroj vgl. Schwyzer Gr.Gr. I 267, 444);

    in FlN: ital. Met-aurus (Bruttium), Pisaurus (Umbrien), gall. Avara > frz. Avre, Aura > frz. Eure, Aurana > nhd. Ohrn (Wrttemb.), Ar-auris > frz. Herault, Vi-aurus > frz. Le Viaur; pr. Aure, lit. Aur-yte; anord. aurigr `na', aurr `Na, Wasser', FlN Aura, ags. ar `Meer';

    pr. wurs (*ras) `Teich', irin Akk. Sg., iuriay Pl. fem. `Meer', alett. jri- m., lett. ju'ra, lit. jres, jrios Pl. fem. `Meer, bes. die Ostsee' (s. oben zu lat. rna; j- vermutlich Vorschlag nach J. Schmidt PL 204);

    lit. jaurus `moorig, sumpfig', jaura, jauras `sumpfige Stelle, Moorgrund' aus *eur- (s. Berneker IF. 10, 162, Trautmann 335 m. Lit.).

    3. Verbum: Lit. verdu, virti `sprudeln, wallen, kochen', versme `Quelle', vyrius `Strudel', atvyrs `Gegenstrom am Ufer', lett. ver^du, vir^t `quellen, sprudeln, sieden, kochen', atvars `Wirbel', aksl. vrjo, vreti `quellen, sprudeln, wallen, sieden, kochen', vir `Strudel', izvor `Quelle', wozu mit aus `kochen' entwickelter Bed. `Hitze', lett.wersme `Glut', aksl. var `Hitze'.

    Uber allfllige Zugehrigkeit von *uer/e/n `rl' s. dort.

    4. Erweiterung uer-s- `Regen, u': ai. varsa- n. `Regen, Regenzeit, Jahr' (varati `es regnet'), gr. oron `Harn'; rsh, rsh `Tau', ion. att. orw `harne' (kausativ *uorsei, - erwiesen durch die Augmentierung orhsa), ora `ein Wasservogel'; mir. frass `Regen' ist lter fross (uros-t, trotz Pedersen KG. I 44); hett. wa-ar-a-a `Regen'(?) scheint ai. Lw.

    ursen- `semen emittens = mnnlich', ai. vran- `mnnlich', m. `Mnnchen, Mann, Hengst'.

    Davon abgeleitet av. varna- `mnnlich', ai. vrsa-, vrsabha- `Stier', vrsni- `mnnlich', m. `Widder' (= av. varni- ds.), vrana- m. `Hoden';

    Specht (Dekl. 156) stellt hierher (aus germ. *wrai-njan-) ohne s-Erweiterung ahd. reineo `Hengst', as. wre^nio ds., ags. wr?ne `geil'; ahd. wrenno `Hengst' ist aus dem Mlat. rckentlehnt.

    uers/i-: lat. verrs, -is `Eber', lit. veris `Kalb', lett. versis `Ochs, Rind'.

: face="Times New Roman Star"Vgl. im allgemeinen Persson Wzerw. 47, 85 f., Johansson KZ. 30, 418, IF. 2, 60 ff., Persson Beitr. 604 f., 845 (auch gegen Verknpfung von uers- mit ers-). Uber finn. vesi, St. vete `Wasser' s. Mikkola Mel. van Ginneken 137.

    WP. I 252 f., 268 f., WH. I 81 f., Pokorny Urillyrier 93, 105, 159, 169, Specht Dekl. 18 f., Trautmann 20, 334, 337, Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 519, 548, 838.

: face="Times New Roman Star"78-81
PIET: face="Times New Roman Star"PIET


: face="Times New Roman Star"*udV ( ? o-, iu-, io-)
PRNUM: face="Times New Roman Star"PRNUM
. : face="Times New Roman Star"rain
: face="Times New Roman Star"
-: face="Times New Roman Star"*udu-n
: face="Times New Roman Star"*oran-
: face="Times New Roman Star"A Tung.-Kor. isogloss.

- :

: face="Times New Roman Star"*udu-n
PRNUM: face="Times New Roman Star"PRNUM
. : face="Times New Roman Star"rain (with wind)
: face="Times New Roman Star",
: face="Times New Roman Star"udun
: face="Times New Roman Star"udn
: face="Times New Roman Star"udu(n)
: face="Times New Roman Star"udu
: face="Times New Roman Star" 2, 248.


: face="Times New Roman Star"*oran-
PRNUM: face="Times New Roman Star"PRNUM
. : face="Times New Roman Star"heavy rain
: face="Times New Roman Star"
: face="Times New Roman Star"oran-pi
: face="Times New Roman Star"Liu 575.


NUMBER: face="Times New Roman Star"1157
PROTO: face="Times New Roman Star"*wete
PRNUM: face="Times New Roman Star"PRNUM
MEANING: face="Times New Roman Star"water
GERMMEAN: face="Times New Roman Star"Wasser
FIN: face="Times New Roman Star"vesi (gen. veden) 'Wasser'
EST: face="Times New Roman Star"vesi (gen. vee)
MRD: face="Times New Roman Star"ved, vd (E), ved (M)
MAR: face="Times New Roman Star"wt (KB), wt (U B)
UDM: face="Times New Roman Star"vu (S G), vu (K)
KOM: face="Times New Roman Star"va (S P PO)
MAN: face="Times New Roman Star"t (TJ), wit (K), wt (P), wit (So.)
UGR: face="Times New Roman Star"viz (acc. vizet)
NEN: face="Times New Roman Star"j (O), wit (Lj.)
ENC: face="Times New Roman Star"bi (. bro) (Ch.), bi (. bido) (B)
NGA: face="Times New Roman Star"b (gen. beda)
SLK: face="Times New Roman Star"yt (Ta.), t (Tur.), t (Ke.), t (Ty.)
KAM: face="Times New Roman Star"b
JANH: face="Times New Roman Star"(57) *weti
SAMM2: face="Times New Roman Star"*weti
ADD: face="Times New Roman Star"Mot. bu; Koib. bu, by; Karag. bu


: face="Times New Roman Star"*jd_-
: face="Times New Roman Star"water
PRNUM: face="Times New Roman Star"PRNUM
: face="Times New Roman Star"*jr_-
: face="Times New Roman Star"*r_-
-: face="Times New Roman Star"*ed_
-: face="Times New Roman Star"*jd_-


-: face="Times New Roman Star"*jr_-
: face="Times New Roman Star"river
PRNUM: face="Times New Roman Star"PRNUM
: face="Times New Roman Star"yr_u, r_u (obl. yr_r_u-, r_r_u-)
: face="Times New Roman Star"river, brook
: face="Times New Roman Star"r_u
: face="Times New Roman Star"river
: face="Times New Roman Star"ru, tru, sru, hru
: face="Times New Roman Star"(B-K) river, stream
: face="Times New Roman Star"*r_
DED: face="Times New Roman Star"5159


: face="Times New Roman Star"*r_
: face="Times New Roman Star"river
PRNUM: face="Times New Roman Star"PRNUM
: face="Times New Roman Star"peyv-r (obl. peyv-t_-)
: face="Times New Roman Star"Also Kota t_ an edge of bank of stream or tank; r (obl. t_-), in: tlvir Pykara river (< tl pey r), kimr n. pr. of swamp at Kolml village
DED: face="Times New Roman Star"5159


: face="Times New Roman Star"*r_-
: face="Times New Roman Star"river
PRNUM: face="Times New Roman Star"PRNUM
: face="Times New Roman Star"r_u (gen. ti)
DED: face="Times New Roman Star"5159

- :

-: face="Times New Roman Star"*ed_
: face="Times New Roman Star"river
PRNUM: face="Times New Roman Star"PRNUM
: face="Times New Roman Star"pered
(): face="Times New Roman Star"ber beret "big river"
DED: face="Times New Roman Star"5159


-: face="Times New Roman Star"*jd_-
: face="Times New Roman Star"water
PRNUM: face="Times New Roman Star"PRNUM
: face="Times New Roman Star"*jR (obl. *jt-, pl. *jhk)
: face="Times New Roman Star"r_(u) (obl. R-)
-: face="Times New Roman Star"*z
-: face="Times New Roman Star"*j-u
: face="Times New Roman Star"The word had a PK derivative: *yt_-ki 'thirst' > PG *etk- (with secondary shortening), Konda Rki, PPM *ski, PK *ski.
: face="Times New Roman Star"In PKG *d_


: face="Times New Roman Star"*jR (obl. *jt-, pl. *jhk)
: face="Times New Roman Star"water
PRNUM: face="Times New Roman Star"PRNUM
: face="Times New Roman Star"yr (obl. yt-, pl. yehk)
(): face="Times New Roman Star"yr (obl. yt-)
(): face="Times New Roman Star"yr (obl. yt-)
: face="Times New Roman Star"r (obl. t-, pl. hk)
: face="Times New Roman Star"r (obl. t-)
: face="Times New Roman Star"r
: face="Times New Roman Star"r
: face="Times New Roman Star"r (obl. t-)
: face="Times New Roman Star"r (obl. t-)
: face="Times New Roman Star"Also Gondi_Tr yeh-gat the water gnat; yeha-kkorr the diving grebe; Gondi_W, Gondi_Ph etk thirst
: face="Times New Roman Star"The form 'thirst' should be reconstructed as *etk.
DED: face="Times New Roman Star"5159
CVOTGD: face="Times New Roman Star"391


: face="Times New Roman Star"r_(u) (obl. R-)
MEANING: face="Times New Roman Star"water
PRNUM: face="Times New Roman Star"PRNUM
: face="Times New Roman Star"Also Konda Rki thirst
DED: face="Times New Roman Star"5159

- :

-: face="Times New Roman Star"*z
: face="Times New Roman Star"water
PRNUM: face="Times New Roman Star"PRNUM
: face="Times New Roman Star"z "water, in: z ba to bathe, otherwise used in the pl. zu"
: face="Times New Roman Star"ey
: face="Times New Roman Star"Also Pengo s (variant form of z used in certain combinations, e.g. s orli otter [lit. water-rat]); ski thirst; Manda ehki thirst
DED: face="Times New Roman Star"5159

- :

-: face="Times New Roman Star"*j-u
: face="Times New Roman Star"water
PRNUM: face="Times New Roman Star"PRNUM
: face="Times New Roman Star"ju
(): face="Times New Roman Star"y
(): face="Times New Roman Star"yu
: face="Times New Roman Star"yu
: face="Times New Roman Star"yu
: face="Times New Roman Star"Also Kui_W su water; Kui, Kuwi_Su, Kuwi_Isr ski thirst
DED: face="Times New Roman Star"5159

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