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PROTO: *(H)apar̄
MEANING: 1 foam, froth 2 (coarse) beeswax (residue in hive)
BZK: (Araba) apar 2
GIP: apar 1
BZT: apar 1
COMMENTS: Attested only in non-aspirating dialects, so we do not know whether the Proto-Bsq word was *Hapar̄ or *apar̄. If the former, cf. PY *χɔpVr 'foam' (Kott hāpar, etc.).
PROTO: *Hapo
MEANING: 1 hoof (of larger animals) 2 hoof (of smaller animals)
BZK: apo 1, apatx 2
PROTO: *haraic
MEANING: 1 oak tree 2 tree (in general)
BZK: aritz, aritx, aretx 1, 2
GIP: araitz, areitz, aritz 1
ANV: aritz 1
BNV: haritz 1
LAB: haritz 1
BZT: aritz 2
ZBR: háritx, háitx 1
RNC: aretx 1
COMMENTS: Bsq *haraic may be related (with metathesis: *ʔăɫʔăjʒV) to PNC *ʔăjʒăɫʔV 'hardwood tree (rowan, cornel)'.
PROTO: *harc, *hars-kone
MEANING: 1 bear 2 badger
ARB: {arç} 1
BZK: artz 1, azkonar 2 (Arratia, Orozko, Txorierri) azkunar 2
GIP: artz 1, azkonar 2
ANV: artz 1, (Larraun) azkonar 2, (Esteribar) azkon, azkona, aixkona 2, (Lezaka) azkanarro 2
BNV: hartz 1, (Garazi) azkoin 2, (Aldude) azkon 2
SAL: artz 1, azkon 2
LAB: hartz 1, azkona 2, azkuin 2, azkanaro, azkenarro 2
BZT: azkon 2
ZBR: hartz 1, harzkṹ, hazkṹ 2
RNC: artz 1, azkoĩ 2
COMMENTS: Michelena (1961) identifies this word with the Aquitanian name Harsus. The word for 'badger' is a compound of *har̄c + *kone (+ -ar̄ in some dialects). For the second component see *-kone.
PROTO: *har̄i
MEANING: stone
BZK: arri
GIP: arri
ANV: arri
BNV: harri
SAL: arri
LAB: harri
BZT: arri
AZK: arri
ZBR: harri
RNC: arri
PROTO: *haro
MEANING: weather, season
BZK: aro
GIP: aro
ANV: aro
BNV: haro
LAB: haro
ZBR: háro
RNC: aro
COMMENTS: Cf. ZBR haro-hún 'good weather', haro-gaitz 'bad weather'; used in names of months, e.g. LAB ost-aro 'May (leaf season)', ere-aro 'June (sowing season)', etc. Cf. PEC *h[ă]ɫʔa 'steam': the semantic chain ‘steam, breath, air ~ wind, weather’ is common.
PROTO: *(H)aro
MEANING: 1 knot of tree 2 *stick, pole
BZK: ara-ka 1
RNC: ara-kaldi 2
COMMENTS: RNC arakaldi is glossed as 'tanda de palos / volée de coups de bāton', implying underlying *(H)aro 'stick, pole': for formation cf. besa-ka (BNV) 'rama(s) de un árbol' < *beśo 'arm'.
PROTO: *har̄o
MEANING: 1 proud, haughty 2 stylish, free in one's ways 4 daring, audacious 5 jolly person
BZK: arro 1
GIP: arro 1
BNV: harro 1, 5
SAL: arro 1
LAB: harro 1, 5
BZT: arro 1
ZBR: hárro 2, 4, 5
RNC: arro 1
PROTO: *har̄(-tu)
MEANING: 1 take, receive 2 comprehend, understand 3 treat (well or badly)
BZK: ar-tu 1, 3
GIP: ar-tu 1, 3
ANV: ar-tu 1
BNV: har-tu 1, 2
LAB: har-tu 1
ZBR: hár-tü 1
RNC: ar-tu 1, 2
PROTO: *haś
MEANING: naked, bare
BNV: has
SAL: as
LAB: has
ZBR: has
RNC: as
COMMENTS: An eastern word: in the west (EB) biluzi 'naked', murritz or soil for 'bare' are used. Cf. PNC *ɦǝ̄ć̣Ĕ 'hollow, empty'; and Bsq *huć and *ɦućal - the words may be partially blended.
PROTO: *hasi
MEANING: 1 to grow, breed, cultivate, bring up 2 seed, semen 3 lineage, breed, race
BZK: azi 1, 2, (Orozko) az 3
GIP: azi 1, 2
ANV: azi 1, 2
BNV: hazi 1, 2, (Aldude) 3
LAB: hazi 1, 2
ZBR: hazi 1, 2, (Ligi) hatz 3
RNC: azi 1, 2, 3
PROTO: *haśi
MEANING: to begin, start
BZK: asi
GIP: asi
BNV: hasi
SAL: asi
LAB: hasi
ZBR: hási
RNC: asi
PROTO: *hauć
MEANING: 1 ashes 2 powder 3 Ash Wednesday
BZK: auts 1, 2, errauts 1
GIP: auts1, 2 auster, austerre 1
ANV: auts, auster 1, errauts 2, (Lezaka) austerri 3
BNV: hauts 1, herrauts 2
LAB: hauts 1, auster 1, herrauts 2
BZT: errauts 2
ZBR: hauts, hautx 1, erháuts, erhautx 2
RNC: auts 1, errauts 2
COMMENTS: The compounds *er̄-hauć and *hauś-t-er̄e contain *er̄e 'to burn'.
PROTO: *haundi
MEANING: big, great
BZK: aundi, andi
GIP: andi, aundi
ANV: andi
BNV: handi, (Aldude) haundi
LAB: handi, haundi
ZBR: hã́ndi
RNC: ándi
PROTO: *hau-r̄
MEANING: child
GIP: aur
BNV: haur
SAL: aur
LAB: haur
BZT: aur
ZBR: haur
RNC: aur
COMMENTS: In BZK the common word for 'child' is instead sein (see *śa- / *śe- / *-śo [kin element]), or ume (for 'young animal' as well: see *hume). Bsq *hau-r̄ is parallel in form with Chechen-Ingush χowχa-r 'lamb', i.e. both have a fossilized plural *-r suffix, common in Bsq and EC languages.
PROTO: *hauśi
MEANING: to break, tear
BZK: ausi
GIP: ausi
ANV: autsi
BNV: hautsi
SAL: autsi
LAB: hautsi
ZBR: háutse, hautx
RNC: áutse
COMMENTS: Most etymologists connect this word with *hauć ‘ashes, powder’ (q.v.), but this association is secondary, and the western form ausi < *hauśi is probably original.
PROTO: *hauśpo
MEANING: 1 lungs 2 bellows
BZK: auspo, aspo 2, (Markina, Orozko) auspo 1
GIP: auspo, aspo 2
ANV: auspo, aspo 2
BNV: hausko 2
SAL: ausko 2
LAB: hausko 2
BZT: ausko 2
ZBR: hauspo, haspo 2
RNC: ausko 2
COMMENTS: Probably contaminated with *hauć 'ashes, dust'. Cf. PNC *q_wǝlɵV(rV̄) / *χ_wǝlɵV(rV̄) 'lung'; Bur *qhurpat 'lungs' ??
PROTO: *hega-
MEANING: 1 to fly 2 flying
BZK: egaatu, egabanatu 1, egan 2
GIP: egaatu 1, egan 2
ANV: egaz egin 1
BNV: (h)egaldatu 1
ZBR: hegaltatü 1
COMMENTS: Cf. *hegal 'wing'. Both words have probably contaminated each other.
PROTO: *hegal
MEANING: 1 wing 2 loin, flank (of cow) 3 fin (of fish)
BZK: egal 2
ANV: egal 1, 3
BNV: hegal 1, 3
SAL: magal 1
LAB: hegal 1, 3
BZT: egal 1
ZBR: hegal 1, 3
RNC: egal 1, magal 1
COMMENTS: This word has other secondary meanings: 'eave (of roof)', edge (of table)', 'brim (of hat)', etc. Cf. *hega- 'to fly', which may have contaminated this word (i.e., original *e=gal, changed to *hegal). The magal forms are either blended with *maga-l 'lap, flank' (q.v.), or a prefixed formation with the fossilized prefix *ma=.
PROTO: *hegi
MEANING: 1 crest, ridge 2 small plateau overhanging a cliff 3 border, edge, corner
BZK: egi 1
GIP: egi 1
ANV: egi 1
BNV: hegi 1, 2
LAB: hegi 1, 2
ZBR: hegi 1, 3
RNC: egi 1
COMMENTS: This word is thought to be the source of the common suffix -egi ~ -tegi ~ -degi ‘place, house of’, as in (c) jaur-egi ‘palace’ (‘lord’s place’), abel-tegi ‘stable’, ardan-degi ‘tavern, wine shop’, and many others.
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