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PROTO: *hel-
MEANING: 1 to come 2 to arrive
BZK: el-du 2
GIP: (Andoain) el-du 2
ANV: (Ondarrabia) el-du 1
BNV: hel-du 1, 2
LAB: hel-du 1
ZBR: hél-tü 1, 2
PROTO: *[h]el- / *-hali / *aɫha
MEANING: 1 to bite 2 to be sore, inflamed 3 meal(time) 4 grazing, pasture
BZK: el-du 2, -ari 3
GIP: el-du 1, ala 4, -ari 3
ANV: -ari 3, (Oyarzun) ala 4
BNV: -(h)ari 3, alha 4
SAL: -ari 3
LAB: -(h)ari 3, alha 4
ZBR: -(h)ari 3, álha 4
RNC: -ari 3, ala 4
COMMENTS: Bsq *[h]el- / *-hali / *aɫha seem to be permutations of the same original root (cf. PEC *=iʡwVl 'to feed on, eat, bite'). Bsq *-hali 'meal(time)' occurs only in compounds: (B-arc) gosaari ‘breakfast’ (< *gośa-hali: see *gośe ‘hunger, hungry’); (Z-arc) barazkari ‘midday meal, lunch’, (c) bazkari id. (cf. *barace ‘garden’); (BN) auhari ‘dinner (supper)’, (Z) aihá(r)i, (R) aigári, (B, G, BN, L) afari, (L) aphari, (B, G) apari, (Sal) abari, etc. (cf. *gau ‘night’?), etc.
PROTO: *hera-ki
MEANING: to boil (trans.)
BZK: irakin
GIP: irakin
ANV: irakin
BNV: herakin, erakin, irakitu, (Amikuse) erakitu
SAL: iraki
LAB: irakin
ZBR: heráki, iraki
RNC: eraki, erakitu
PROTO: *herći
MEANING: 1 tight, narrow, cramped 2 worried, exhausted 3 nasal congestion, catarrh 4 to close 5 to squeeze, press
ARB: itsi 4
BZK: es-tu 1, 2, 3, (arc) itsi 4
GIP: es-tu 1, 2, 3, itxi 4
ANV: es-tu 1, 2, itxi 4, (Elkano) ertxi 4
BNV: hertsi, hetsi 1, 4, hers-tu 5
LAB: hertsi, hetsi, hers-tu 1, 4
BZT: ertsi 4
ZBR: hertsi, hérsi 1, 4
RNC: ersi 1, ers-tu 5
COMMENTS: For internal -r- cf. Proto-Lezghian: *ʡirč̣Vn- ( ~ ħ-) > Rutul =ir(i)č̣a- 'to press, squeeze'.
PROTO: *her̄i
MEANING: people, population, nation, country
BZK: erri
GIP: erri
ANV: erri
BNV: herri
LAB: herri
ZBR: hérri
RNC: erri
COMMENTS: From the probable PSC original meaning Bsq *her̄i has become broader (‘people, nation’ + the land they occupy), while PNC *ʡwǝ̆hri is more restricted (‘part of the people who fight in war’).
PROTO: *her̄o
MEANING: 1 root (tree, plant, tooth) 2 nipple (of udder) 3 udder
BZK: erro 1, 2, erra-pe 3
GIP: erro 1, 2
ANV: erro 1, 2
BNV: erro 1, erra-pe 3
LAB: erro 1, 2, erra-pe 3
BZT: erra-pe 3
ZBR: herro 1, herrá-pe 3
RNC: erro 1, ra-pé 3
COMMENTS: Initial *h preserved only in ZBR. Loss of /h/ in LAB, BNV probably due to inter-dialectal borrowing.
PROTO: *Herug(ʷ)i
MEANING: 1 salamander 2 scorpion
BZK: (Zornoza) eruge 1, (Lekeitio, Markina) erube 1
GIP: arrubi 1, 2, (Andoain) arrobi 2
ANV: (Oyarzun) arrobi 2, (Irun, Ondarrabia) arrobio 1
BNV: harrobi 2
LAB: harrubi 1, 2, (Ainhoa) harrobi 2
ZBR: arrogi 2
COMMENTS: Cf. Bsq *erɫuɫi 'salamander, scorpion', which seems to be partially blended with this word. Some forms appear to have been influenced by *har̄i 'stone': cf. LAB harrobi 'cavern, quarry' < *har̄i + *hobi.
PROTO: *hese
MEANING: 1 fresh, wet, moist, green (plant) 2 lascivious, sensual
BZK: eze 1, 2, ezo 1, ezko 1
GIP: eze, ezko 1
ANV: eze 1, 2
BNV: heze 1, ezti 1
LAB: heze 1, 2
ZBR: heze 1, ezti 1
RNC: eze 1
COMMENTS: Also with /ś/: BNV, LAB hese 'fresh, moist, green', BZK ese id.
PROTO: *hestu-n
MEANING: 1 link (of a chain) 2 (finger-)ring 3 mesh (of a net) 4 strand (of yarn) 5 ring (general)
BZK: el-aztun 2, 5, er-aztun, err-aztun 2, 5, er-eztun 2, 5, (Arratia, Otxandiano) el-eztun 2, 5
GIP: el-aztun 2, 5, er-aztun 2, 5
ANV: er-aztun 2, 5
BNV: erh-aztun 2, 5
SAL: eztun 4, extun 1
LAB: er-aztun, (Ainhoa) err-aztun 5
BZT: er-aztun 2, 5
ZBR: üztün 1, 3, 5, erh-áztün 2, 5
RNC: er-eztun 2, 5
COMMENTS: Most of the words are compounds with Bsq *elhi 'finger' (q.v.). The change to trilled /r̄/ (err-) is unusual and secondary. One of the words in which Bsq *-st- corresponds to a tense NC sibilant/affricate (here *-c̣_-).
PROTO: *heuga[l]i / *heu[l]agi
MEANING: 1 abundant 2 to increase, multiply
BZK: ugari 1, ugal-du 2
GIP: ugari 1, ugal-du 2
ANV: ugari 1
LAB: heuragi 1 (Leizarraga)
ZBR: heuregi 1 (Oihenart)
COMMENTS: Note the metathesized variants in PNC *HāχuɫV / *HālχV as well as in Bsq.
PROTO: *hi
MEANING: thou (familiar)
ARB: i
BZK: i
GIP: i
ANV: i
BNV: hi
SAL: i
LAB: hi
BZT: i
AZK: i
ZBR: hi
RNC: i, (Vidángoz) yi
COMMENTS: The root also exists as the verbal affix (initial) *h-, (medial) *-ga-, (final) *-k (second person singular familiar). The medial and final affixes are specifically masculine, opposed to feminine *-na-, *-n. This is the only instance of grammatical sex marking in Bsq.
PROTO: *higuni
MEANING: 1 hatred, loathing 2 to hate, loathe 3 hateful, loathsome 4 (man) to put away one's wife 5 (bird) to abandon one's eggs 6 to wean (a child) 7 hated 8 become hated
BZK: iguin 1, iguin-du 2, (arc) {ygui, yguy} 1, 7
GIP: igui-tu 2
ANV: iguin 1, 2
BNV: higuin 1, 2, 4, 5
SAL: iguin 1
LAB: higuin 1, 3, 4, 5, higuin-du 6
ZBR: higüin 4, 5, (Barkoxe) hügü̃́ 7, hügü̃́n-tü 8
RNC: ugun 1
COMMENTS: Chamali jiχan- 'to hate' is especially close to the Bsq words.
PROTO: *hil
MEANING: 1 to die; dead 2 to kill 3 to put out, extinguish (lights)
BZK: il 1
GIP: il 1, 2
ANV: il 1
BNV: hil 1, 3
SAL: il 1, 2, 3
LAB: hil 1, 2, 3
BZT: il 1, 2
ZBR: hil 1, 3
RNC: il 1, 2, 3
PROTO: *hil-, *hiɫa-
MEANING: 1 moon, 2 month, 3 moon in 4th qtr. ('high moon')
ARB: irargi 1
BZK: iretargi, ilargi, illargi, irargi 1, illa-bete 2, il-gora 3, (Goñi, Olza) illergi 1
GIP: ilargi, illargi 1, illa-bete 2, il-gora 3
ANV: ilargi, illargi 1, illa-bete 2, il-gora 3
BNV: ilhargi 1, hila-bete, ila-bethe 2, (Otxagabia, Salazar) ilaski 1
SAL: ilaski 1
LAB: ilhargi 1, hila-bete 2
BZT: illargi 1
ZBR: hila-bethe 2
PROTO: *hir̄i
MEANING: 1 laugh, laughter 2 mockery 3 smile 4 to smile 5 hurly-burly, hubbub
BZK: irri 2, irri-barre 3
ANV: irri-abar 3
BNV: irri 1, 2, hirrun-harrun 5, (Hazparren) hirri-skina-tu 4
LAB: hirri 1, 2, hirrun-harrun 5
ZBR: hirrun-harrun 5
PROTO: *hiro
MEANING: 1 pus 2 rottenness, decay 3 tinder (from the interior of a tree)
BZK: iro 3
GIP: iro 3
LAB: hiro 1
ZBR: híro 2, 2
COMMENTS: Cf. PEC *x[ē]rxV 'slime; spittle, snot', which seems to be a reduplicated form in comparison with Bsq *hiro, consistent with PSC *x[ē]ŕV́.
PROTO: *hobe
MEANING: 1 better 2 more
BZK: oba 1
GIP: obe 1
ANV: obe 1
BNV: hobe, hobe-ki 1
SAL: abo-ro 2
LAB: hobe, hobe-ki 1
ZBR: hóbe, hobé-ki 1, habó-ro 2
RNC: obe 1, ob-ro 2
COMMENTS: Cf. especially Archi hiba-t:ut- 'good' (comp. by Bouda, 1948). Bsq *hobe is used as a comparative of *hon 'good' (q.v.).
PROTO: *hobi
MEANING: grave, tomb
BZK: obi
GIP: obi
ANV: obi
BNV: hobi
LAB: hobi
ZBR: hobi
RNC: obi
COMMENTS: This word is a homonym of Bsq *ho[gu]i 'gum, tissue around teeth' (q.v.) in some dialects, but is of distinct origin. Cf. PNC *fiwɨ 'grave'.
PROTO: *hoc
MEANING: cold (n., adj.)
BZK: otz
GIP: otz
ANV: otz
BNV: hotz
SAL: otz
LAB: hotz
BZT: otz
AZK: otz
ZBR: hotz
RNC: otz
COMMENTS: As a verb: *hos-tu > hoztu, oztu.
PROTO: *hoć
MEANING: 1 noise, sound 2 fame, reputation 3 passion, longing, mania, strong inclination 4 search(ing)
BZK: ots 1, 2
GIP: ots 1, 2
ANV: ots 1, 2
BNV: hots 1, 2
LAB: hots 1, 2, 3
BZT: ots 4
ZBR: hots 1, 2
RNC: ots 1, 2, 4
COMMENTS: Bsq-NC phonetic similarity is apparent, but semantic correlations are more difficult. S.A. Starostin reconstructed PSC *kwɨ̄́jcV̆ ‘spirit, appearance, demon’. Note especially the semantic similarity of Bsq (L) hots ‘strong inclination’ and Archi kus ‘habit’.
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