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PROTO: *seɫHai
MEANING: 1 plain, flat land; flat (adj.) 2 field 3 ground 4 plaza, town square
BZK: zelai 1, (Arratia) 3, (arc) 4
GIP: zelai 1
ANV: zelai 1, (Irun, Lezaka) 2
BNV: zelhai 1
LAB: zelhai 1
BZT: zelai 1
COMMENTS: Azkue explains: "zelai ... es más bien paraje llano que campo ni prado ..." 'zelai is rather flat place than field or meadow', also used as the adjective 'flat, level', exactly like PEC *ʒ_ǝlV.
PROTO: *śeldo-r̄
MEANING: fagot, load of wood
BZK: sendor
LAB: seldor
COMMENTS: The LAB word is more precisely defined as "haz ó pila de leña para hacer carbón / meule de bois qu'on transforme en charbon." The connection with funeral practices (cf. Dargi *c̣elt:a 'tombstone') is given by Tovar (1961): "[Iberian] <<s-e-l-da-r>> on several tombstones corresponds very well to the Basque <<seldor>> ... as the Iberians burned their dead." Cf. Bsq *sendo-r̄: These words have apparently contaminated or merged.
PROTO: *sen-[-bera]
MEANING: soft cheese, cottage cheese, cream cheese
ANV: (Etxalar) zenberun
BNV: zenbera, (arc) zenberauen
SAL: zenbera
BZT: zendereben, zenderen
ZBR: zenbéra
RNC: zénbra
COMMENTS: An eastern Bsq word: the western counterpart is (BZK, GIP) gaztanbera (see *gastana 'cheese', *gac 'salt'). This word *sen- is not related to Bsq *e=śene ‘milk’, as some have thought. This is shown by the regular sibilant correspondences: PNC *ʒ́ = Bsq *s, but PNC = Bsq *ś.
PROTO: *sendo-r̄
MEANING: load of firewood (destined for making charcoal)
BZK: sendor
GIP: zendor
COMMENTS: Note that Bsq s [ś] and z [s] have merged in parts of BZK. Cf. *śeldor̄ (491): both words have apparently merged or contaminated each other.
PROTO: *senhe
MEANING: small. minute
BZK: zee, ze
GIP: zee, ze ~ xe, txe
ANV: ze ~ xe
BNV: zehe ~ xehe, (Lezaka) xe
SAL: xe
LAB: xehe
BZT: xe
ZBR: zẽ́hẽ ~ xẽ́hẽ
RNC: xẽ, (Vidángoz) xe
COMMENTS: Cf. PEC *HVns_́V 'small' (by metathesis). There is a similar Bsq word that means 'span', a homonym in some dialects: see Bsq *čehume.
PROTO: *se-r
BZK: zer, ze
GIP: zer, ze
ANV: zer, ze
BNV: zer
SAL: zer
LAB: zer
BZT: zer
AZK: zer
ZBR: zer, ze
RNC: zer
COMMENTS: The short form *se is used in certain situations (see Azkue). From this stem *se- other interrogative forms are derived, such as (c) zein 'which', ze-la 'how', etc.
PROTO: *ser̄i
MEANING: 1 pig, hog 2 piglet
ARB: zarri-txo 2
BZK: txarri 1
GIP: txerri 1
ANV: xerri 1, txerri 1, (Goñi) zerri 1
BNV: xerri 1
LAB: zerri 1, xerri 1
BZT: zerri 1, xerri 1
ZBR: xerri 1
COMMENTS: As with some other common Bsq words, the expressive/diminutive form (xerri, txerri, txarri) tends to become the usual word.
PROTO: *sesen
BZK: zezen
GIP: zezen
ANV: zezen
BNV: zezen
LAB: zezen
ZBR: zezen
RNC: zezen
COMMENTS: Cf. NC: Cham., Bagw. zin, Tind., Kar. zini, etc. 'cow' < PNC *=āmʒŬ. For semantics of 'bull' < 'cow', cf. Proto-Nakh *jētt 'cow' < PNC *jǝ̄mcō 'bull'; PIE *gʷou- > 'cow, ox, bull' in daughter languages..
PROTO: *śić ~ *śać
BZK: sits
GIP: sits, (Etxarri-Aranaz) sats
ANV: (Lezaka) sats
BNV: (Aldude) sats
COMMENTS: Cf. PNC *š_wĕʒV 'a k. of biting insect'. Sibilant harmony has operated on the expected Bsq *śic (~ *śac). Bsq *śać 'ordure' is a homonym.
PROTO: *siga-r̄
MEANING: itch mite (arthropod: Sarcoptes scabiei)
BZK: ziger, (Gernika) zigar, (Ispaster, Markina) zier
GIP: zigar
LAB: zigar
COMMENTS: Cf. Span. cigarra 'cicada' (Hualde 1995), which resembles Bsq zigar in form, though there is a vast physical difference between the large insect and the tiny arthropod. Cigarra is ostensibly from Lat. cicada or cicala, but the trilled /r̄/ could indicate some kind of influence from the Bsq word.
PROTO: *siHi
MEANING: 1 wedge 2 iron skewer, spit 3 frayed thread, lint 4 point 4 icicle 5 iron bar with a point
BZK: burdun-tzi 2, burrun-tzi 2, al-tzi 3, bur-tzi 5, (Txorierri) zii 1, zi 4
GIP: burdun-tzi 2, (Goierri) al-tzi 3, (Berastegi, Gaintza) burrun-tzi 4
COMMENTS: Contra Michelena (1961: 346, 413), who cited Bsq zihi as a variant of ziri, in this analysis *siHi is etymologically distinct from *siri / *sil- 'peg, wedge', etc., *siHi 'rush, reed', and *sini 'acorn' (q.v.). For compound elements see *burdina 'iron',*ha[l]i 'thread'. The Bsq word could have been *sinHi, but there is no evidence in this case from dialects with nasal vowels (ZBR, RNC).
PROTO: *siHi
MEANING: rush, reed
BZK: (Arratia, Orozko, Txorierri) zii, zi, (Durango, Gernika, Mañaria) zi
COMMENTS: A western Bsq (BZK) etymon. Proto-Bsq could have been *sinHi, but there is no evidence of nasal vowels in the extant forms (no BZK-arc or ZBR or RNC forms). Phonetically similar to Bsq *siHi 'wedge, skewer', etc., but etymologically distinct.
PROTO: *sikirio
BZK: zikirio
GIP: zikirio
COMMENTS: This resembles eastern Bsq zek(h)ale 'rye' < Latin sēcale, but the syllabic structure is such that it cannot be a direct loan. The close phonetic and semantic resemblance to Rutul sɨḳɨl, Tsakhur sɨḳɨĺ 'rye' is quite striking, but (according to NCED) these are secondary formations from PEC *sūli, with the addition of a diminutive suffix, and then metathesis (PL *s:ol-Vḳ > *s:oḳol). For the comparison with Basque to be valid requires a parallel process in pre-Basque. Similar words are widespread in western Eurasia (see the notes to PEC sūli). Latin sēcale ‘rye’ is not Indo-European either; cf. also Albanian thékërë ‘rye, grain’.
PROTO: *sikiro
MEANING: 1 castrated ram 2 castrated goat 3 to castrate
GIP: zikiro 1, zikira-tu 3
ANV: zikiro 1
BNV: zikhiro 1, (Hazparren) zikite 2
LAB: zikhiro 1, zikhira-tu, zikhita-tu 3
BZT: zikira-tu, zikita-tu 3
PROTO: *sil
MEANING: 1 navel, umbilical cord 2 abdomen, paunch 3 penis 4 plumule (of a seed)
BZK: ziil, zil 1, 4, zil-bor 2, zil-bot 2, (Oñate) txil-bor 2
GIP: ziil 1, txil-ko 1, txil-bor 1, zil-bor 2, (Andoain) zil 3
ANV: txil-ko 1, txil-bur 1
BNV: (Aldude, Garazi) xil-ko 1, (Amikuse) xil-khoi 1
LAB: xil-ko 1
BZT: xil-ko 1
COMMENTS: Several forms exhibit expressive palatalization of the initial /č/, /š/ and the diminutive suffix *-ko. Some other Bsq words meaning 'paunch' or 'tallow' (gilbor, bilgor, bilkor) are unrelated, but apparently have contaminated with zilbor, txilbor, etc. Bengtson (Dhumbadji! 4.1, 1998) proposed a comparison of Bsq *sil with Tabasaran c̣ul 'navel' and Dargi č̣ilič̣a id., but it is problematic.
PROTO: *si[l]i
MEANING: 1 peg, wedge, pin (wooden) 2 stake, post, picket (used in making the stack of wood for charcoal) 3 thin pole planted in the ground as an axis for a pile of wheat 4 thin pole in the ground as a marker 5 large pole for moving the stone in a limekiln
BZK: ziri 1, zill-aga 2
GIP: ziri 1, (Andoain) ziri 4
ANV: ziri 1
BNV: ziri 1
LAB: ziri 1, (Ainhoa) zirikaga 5
BZT: ziri 3
ZBR: ziri 1
RNC: ziri 1
COMMENTS: The second segment of BZK zillaga and LAB zirikaga seems to be *haga 'pole, rod' (q.v.).
PROTO: *siminca
MEANING: bedbug
BZK: imutxa, (Mundaka, Mondragon) imintxa
GIP: imutxa
BNV: (BN-Aldude, Garazi) zimitz
LAB: (Gethari) zimintza
BZT: zimitz
COMMENTS: Cf. also Bsq *čimiča; PNC *ǯimǯV 'biting insect'.
PROTO: *sinagur̄i
BZK: iñurri
GIP: txingurri
BNV: xinaurri
LAB: zinaurri
ZBR: üñhǘrri
COMMENTS: GIP and BNV have diminutive palatalized forms. Mitxelena mentions the GIP disparaging nickname Zingurri 'Ant'. BZK iñurri, ZBR üñhǘrri exhibit irregular loss of initial /s/, or blended with a distinct initial element (?). Cf. PNC *ʒHĔmVḳĂ 'ant'.
PROTO: *since-r̄i / *sinci-ɫa
MEANING: 1 cow-bell 2 little bell 3 maize flower
BZK: zinzarri 1, intxarri 2
GIP: zinzarri, zintzarri 1, zinzerri, zintzerri 2, 3, txintxerri, txintxarri 2
ANV: zinzarri, zintzarri 1
BNV: (Ostibarre) zintzila 1
BZT: txintxerri 2
ZBR: zintzarri 1, tzĩntzárri 1, txĩ́ntxa 1, txintxila, txintxola 1, zintxa 2
RNC: zintzarri 1, (Uztárroz) txintxer-ko 1
COMMENTS: As often in expressive words, ordinary (z-) and expressive (tx-) affricates coexist. This word is the likely origin of Spanish cencerro 'cowbell'.
PROTO: *[s]in[g]o
MEANING: ́1 small hail 2 very fine snow 3 small dry snowflake
BZK: txingor 1, (Gernika) txingo 3, edur-txingo 2
GIP: txingor 1
ANV: txingor 1
COMMENTS: Aulestia & White cite: txingor ‘hail, hailstorm’, txingor egin ‘to hail’, txingorrada, txingorraldi ‘hailstorm’. Analyzed here with expressive palatal < *[s]in[g]o, and expressive /n/, as in Khwarshi zang-eru ‘hail’.
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