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Bahnar etymology :

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Proto-Bahnaric: *ʒɔ:p
Meaning: horsefly
Presyllable: #/ ʔǝ-
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Bahnar: ʒɔ:p
Bahnar meaning: horsefly (not in D)
Proto-South Bahnaric: *ʒɔ:p
Proto-West Bahnaric: *ʒɔ:p
Proto-Northwest-Bahnaric: *ʒɔ:p, hǝ-
References: PNB-203, SBS-451, TB2.100 ИcVp Йpɔ:s Й*sɔ:p Йkǝ-/# Йwrap Йcf. 135 Й*sɔ:p, gǝ- Йwrap Й*sɔ:p, kǝ- Йwrap, pack Й*sɔ:p Йoverlay with (e.g. leaves) ЙJS-483 ЙcVp Кpǝs К*sǝ̆p Кwear К*sap.L Кwear К*sɨp Кput on, wear К*sɨp Кput on, wear Кsɨp Кput on, wear КJS-250, TB17.445 КcVp Лpa:c Л*ca:p Лkǝr- Лfishscales Лkǝca:p I? Лfishscales Л*ca:p.T, kǝ- Лfishscales Л*sa:p, gǝr- Лfishscales Лkǝsa:p fishscales ЛPNB-195, SPT, SBS-94 ЛBAH initial is irregular thus indicating a borrowing ЛcVp Мpo:ʒ М*ʒV:p МkǝN- Мhoof Мkǝco:p I? Мhoof МSED kǝcuap.L hoof V? М*ʒɔ:p, kǝn- Мhoof МJR kǝʒo:p hoof МPNB-188, JS-613 МcVp Нpo:c Н*co:p Нaround, encircling Н*co:p Нaround, encircling НcVp Оpǝʒ О*ʒǝ̆p Оwet О*ʒɨp, ʒǝ- Оwet ОcVp Пpiaʒ П*ʒiap Пdelicious, tasty П*ʒiǝp Пdelicious, tasty ПcVp Рpo:ʒ Р*ʒo:p Рsuck (on a seed) Р*ʒo:p Рsuck (on a seed) РcVp Сpuʒ С*ʒŭp Сdip in boiling water С*ʒup Сdip in boiling water СcVq Тqus Т*su Тʔǝ-/# Тblanket, cover Тʔǝsu: Тcover oneself with blanket Т*su Тblanket, cover ТSBS-583 ТA local word? ТpVq Уqup У*pu Уnest Уtǝpu Уnest, den У*pu.L Уnest УcVq Фqɔc Ф*cɔ Ф# Фdog Фkɔʔ sɔ: Фwolf Ф*co.T Фdog Ф*sɔ Фdog Ф*cɔ Фdog Ф*cɔ Фdog Фcɔ: Фdog Фsɔ: ФJS-403, TB2.90 ФPChamic *ʔasɔw "dog" (TH-281) ФcVq Хqac Х*ca Х# Хeat Хsa: Хto eat ХJEH ca.T to eat Х*sa Хto eat Х*ca Хto eat Х*ca Хto eat Хca: Хto eat ХPNB-552, JS-3, TB17.31 ХcVq Цwac Ц*căw Цsnail Ц*caw, pǝ- Цsnail Цpacaw Цsnail ЦcVq Чqus Ч*su Чhouse Ч*su Чhouse ЧA borrowing from Katuic ЧcVq Шqiǝs Ш*siǝ Шspeak, say Ш*siǝ Шspeak, say ШcVr Щru:c Щ*cu:r Щpig Щ*cu:r.L Щpig Щ*sur Щpig Щ*cu:r Щpig Щsu:l ЩJS-678; TB2.94a ЩcVr Ъrɔ:s Ъ*sɔ:r Ъkǝ- Ъquill Ъ*so:r.T, kǝ- Ъquill Ъ*sɔ:r, gǝ- Ъquill Ъlo:lh ke:lh quill ЪSBS-459 ЪPChamic *kasuar "porcupine" (TH-357) ЪcVq Ыpɔ:s Ы*sɔ:p Ыchest Ыsɔk sɔ:p Ыbody hair Ы*so:p.T Ыchest ЫcVr ЬrVʒ Ьsoak Ь*ʒVr Ьsoak ЬcVr Эra:ʒ Э*ʒa:r Эyou Du Э*ʒa:r Эyou Du ЭcVr Юru:ʒ ЮNB *ʒu:r / SB *ʒur Ю# Юgo down Юʒu:r Юgo down Ю*ʒu:r.L Юto descend Ю*ʒur Юgo down ЮTampuon chul go down ЮPNB-403, SBS-680 ЮcVr Яruas Я*suar Я# Яspeak, tell Яcf. 101 Я*suǝr Яspeak, tell Яsǝsuar (A) Яtell ЯSBS-712 ЯcVr аruǝʒ а*ʒo:r а# аpour аʒo:r аto pour wine into a bottle а*ʒo:r.L V? аsiphon а*ʒo:r аto siphon аSBS-554 аcVr бraʒ б*ʒăr б# бsap, resin бʒar бpitch of a tree б*ʒar.L /*har, r- бsap б*ʒar бsap, resin б*ʒar бsap, resin б*ʒar бsap, resin бʒ́ar бresin, sap бJS-253, TB4.27 бPChamic *ca:i "sap" (TH-352) бhVj вjas в*săj вweasel вcf. 289 в*saj, tǝ- вweasel вcVr гro:s г*so:r гgǝ- гblow nose гcf. 2254 г*so:r, gǝ- гto blow nose гTB17.433 гcVr дra:s д*sa:r дsmell дcf. 1941 д*sa:r дodour, smell дcVr еras е*săr еgrassland е*sar еgrassland еcVr жre:c ж*ce:r жhire, employ ж*ce:r жhire, employ ж*ce:r жhire, employ жce:r жhire, employ жTB17.109 жA possible borrowing from Katuic жcVr зrV:s з*sV:r зsheath з*sɔ:r зsheath зPossibly borrowed from Katuic зcVr иriac и*ciar иsideway, to one side и*ciǝr, kǝ- иsideway, to one side иcVr йri:s й*si:r йmove slightly й*si:r йmove slightly йcVr кriǝs к*siǝr кscratch (the ground) кcf. 96 к*sɨǝr, kǝ- кscratch (the ground) к*siar, kǝ- кscratch (the ground) кTB17.93 кMay be a local root. кcVr лriar л*siar лstring (flowers, beads) л*siǝr лto string (flowers, beads) л*siar лto string (flowers, beads) лse:r лto string (flowers, beads) лTB17.358 лMay be a local root. лcVt мtɔ:ʒ м*ʒɔ:t мtread, stamp м*ʒɔ:t мtread, stamp мcVt нtac н*săt / *cVt нthrow нcf. 201, 206 нJEH cat.T throw a spear н*sat нthrow at н*cet нthrow at (a target) нTB17.321 нcf. THAI chat нcVt оtuǝt о*suat оrecede (water) о*sot.T V? оrecede о*suǝt оrecede (water) оTampuon chwat dry оcVt пtaʒ п*ʒăt пblock, cork пcf. 179 п*ʒat, gǝ- пblock, cork пcVt ātec ā*c[ĕ]t āpierce, stab ācf. 203 ā*cet āpierce, stab ācVt ́tis ́*sĭt ́sew ́sit ́to sew ́*sit.L / *siʔ.L ́to sew ́cVt äte:c ä*ce:t äCǝ- äpinch ä*ce:t, Cǝ- äto pinch äNHA ce:t stab (from above) äcVt ̨te:c ̨*ce:t ̨plug a hole ̨cf. 175 ̨cit IV? ̨to plug a hole ̨*se:t ̨plug a hole ̨cVt ǟtaʒ ǟ*ʒăt ǟfollow ǟ*ʒat ǟto follow ǟcVt c̣tis c̣*sĭt c̣scar c̣*sit.L c̣scar c̣cVt čto:s č*so:t čblind č*so:t čblind čTR so:t blind čso:t čblind čTB16.79 čMay be a Katuic borrowing čcVt č̣tǝʒ č̣*ʒǝt / *ʒɨt č̣# č̣ten č̣ʒit, mǝʒit č̣ten č̣*ʒat.L č̣ten č̣*ʒǝt, # / mǝ- č̣ten č̣*cit I? č̣ten č̣*ʒit, #/kǝ- č̣ten č̣ʒ́it č̣ten č̣PNB-208, JS-390, TB11.11 č̣cVt δtVc δ*cVt δkǝ- δdie, kill δcf. 584 δJEH kǝciat.L die δ*cit, kǝ- // *cǝt, kǝ- δdie, kill δ*ce:t, gǝ- δkill δ*ci:t / *si:t δkill δsi:t; kǝsi:t kill δdie; kill δJS-304, TB17.100; TB17.194 δcVt ēto:s ē*so:t ēsharp ē*so:t ēsharp ēTampuon chaot sharp (cuts) ēSPT ēcVt ºtuǝs º*suǝt / *ʒuǝt ºrub, wipe ºsu:t ºto wipe º*su:t.L ºwipe º*ʒu:t ºrub, wipe º*ʒuǝt ºrub, wipe º*ʒuǝt ºwipe away ºʒ́uǝt ºwipe away ºPNB-219, JS-715, TB17.133, TB17.235 ºcVt ̇tiac ̇*ciat ̇cut ̇CHR ci:t cut V? ̇*ciǝt ̇cut ̇*ciat ̇slice into small strips ̇TB17.145 ̇cVt ̈tɔ:s ̈*sɔ:t ̈# ̈harvest ̈cf. 1626 ̈*so:t.T ̈to harvest ̈*suat ̈to harvest ̈*sɔ:t, hǝ- ̈strip off (leaves) ̈kasrɔ:t ? < *kǝr-sɔ:t ̈strip off (leaves) ̈JS-718 ̈cVt ɛte:s ɛ*se:t ɛpǝ- / *kǝN- ɛmushroom ɛ*sit.L, Cǝ- V? ɛmushroom ɛ*se:t, kǝn- ɛmushroom ɛ*se:t, bǝ- ɛmushroom ɛ*se:t, pǝ- ɛmushroom ɛpha:le:t mushroom ɛJS-310, TB3.58 ɛcVt ʡtiʒ ʡ*ʒĭt ʡ# ʡdraw (water) ʡ*ʒit ʡdraw (water) ʡTR ʒit ʡdraw (water) ʡʒ́it ʡdraw (water) ʡTB17.186 ʡMay be borrowings from Katuic ʡcVt ̯tas ̯*săt ̯weave mat ̯sat ̯knit ̯*sat.T ̯weave mat ̯STI khat I? ̯weave mat ̯*sat ̯braid, plait ̯PNB-226, SPT ̯LAO sa:t.6 mat ̯cVt çtu:s ç*su:t çbee çsu:t çbee ç*su:t.L, #/kǝ- çbee ç*sut çbee, honey bee ç*su:t çhoney bee ç*su:t çhoney bee çsu:t çhoney bee çPNB-218, JS-775, TB2.60 çcVt ɣtias ɣ*siat ɣsqueeze out, press on ɣTR kasiat ɣsqueeze out, press on ɣkasiǝt ɣsqueeze out, press on ɣA possible borrowing from Katuic ? ɣcVt ʁtǝs ʁ*sǝt ʁawaken, awake ʁ*sǝt, pǝ- ʁawaken, awake ʁcVt ħtǝs ħ*sǝ̆t ħsemen ħ*sɨt ħsemen ħcVt ̄te:s ̄*se:t ̄too much, too many ̄*se:t ̄too much, too many ̄cVt

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