Comments:Lee 1958, 112 (TM - Kor.). A Turkic root *K(i)abur 'coffin' may have existed, too: cf. Küär. qaɣur, qoɣur 'coffin' (VEWT 274), as well as the Russian loan from an Old Bulgarian source: ковчег (presupposing *Kabu(r)-čak). But then in most languages it has merged either with *Kapɨrčak ( < PA *k`àp`à 'vessel' q. v.), or with a recent Arabic loanword (qabr 'grave', see VEWT 216 > Turk. kabr, Kum. qabɨr etc.), or with a later Mong. loanword qobuɣur 'tube' (about which see TMN 1, 628, ЭСТЯ 6, 71-72) .