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Абхазо-адыгская этимология :

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Празападнокавказский: *š́ʷV
Севернокавказская этимология: Севернокавказская этимология
Значение: 1 deer 2 game, wild animal 3 hunting
Абхазский: á-š̌ara-χ 1
Абазинский: šʷaraχ 1, šʷǝr 2
Адыгейский: śǝħa 1
Кабардинский: śǝħ ́
Убыхский: ʎa-šʷá 3
Комментарии: PAT *šʷV-rV (cf. also Bzyb. á-š̌ara-x 'deer'); PAK *śǝ-ħV́. The Ub. word is a compound with ʎǝ 'deer' ('deer-hunting').

    The meaning 'hunting' in Ub. is secondary, being influenced by a similar (phonetically and semantically) root represented in Ub. sʷā-ḳ́á 'hunter', PAK *š:a-ḳʷa- 'to hunt', PAT *šʷara-ća- 'to hunt' (the latter form demonstrates a similar merger of two originally distinct roots) < PWC *š́:ʷa- 'to hunt'. The components *-ħV in PAK and *-xǝ in PAT (*šʷara-xǝ) are unclear. They may represent originally independent roots (for PAK *ħV cf. PEC *wHɨ̆rχ_V 'mountain goat', for PAT *-xǝ cf. PEC *ɦānxV 'deer' q.v.), but since they are attested only in compounds and in different subbranches of WC, such etymologies at present seem too risky. The roots for 'deer' (*š́ʷV) and 'hunt' (*š́:ʷa) are correctly separated by Shagirov (1977,2,149) in an argument with Dumézil (1967,160; 1969, 112). Also correct is his separating of Abkh. a-čá 'female deer' and Ub. žʷa 'deer' (see PWC *č́ʷa / *ǯ́ʷa). However, his separating PAT *šʷVrV from PAK *śǝħV́ is hardly justified (the Ub. form ʎa-šʷá is not even considered).


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