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Севернокавказская этимология :

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PROTO: *χ_[ǝ]rV (~ *-l-)
MEANING: ewe, ram
AAND: *χorV / *riχo
CEZ: *ʁo(r)
COMMENT: An Av.-And.-Tsez. isogloss. The PTs form contains a rare phoneme *ʁ- which in this case must be just a variant of PTs *χ (*ʁ- is reconstructed on basis of PTsKh *-ʁu present only in the compound *biƛ̣-ʁu; we may think of a secondary voicing in this position). There exists a chance of finding a Lezghian cognate: PL *χIap:, obl. *χIop:ɨ-, pl. *χIop:-Vr 'sheep, sheep-flock' (collect.). This would be possible if we suppose a metathesis *χIop:Vr < *χIor-p:V in early PL, with a reanalysis of the original plural suffix *-p:(V) as a part of the root.

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