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Севернокавказская этимология :

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MEANING: a k. of horned animal
AAND: *ƛidir (?)
CEZ: *L:ed A
LAK: gada
DARG: *gada
LEZG: *ƛ:ert:(a)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are normal (although the vowel *-ü-, as usual, raises some doubts), although PA has a quite unexpected *ƛ- (regularly *l- would be expected). This may be a dissimilation in voice; or, perhaps, other languages have undergone a secondary voicing *ƛ- > *Ł- before the next voiced *-d- - in this case we should reconstruct PEC *ƛürdV. [The Darg. and Lak. words for 'kid' should not be confused with a widely spread word for 'boy' in Lezghian languages - Lezg. gada, Tsakh. gade etc. - which is a loan from Azer. gädä 'boy; beggar' < Pers.].

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