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Севернокавказская этимология :

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PROTO: *ɦimV
MEANING: ass, donkey
AAND: *hamV
CEZ: *ʕɔm(V)-q̇V
DARG: *Hemχa
LEZG: *ʡimala / *ʡilama
COMMENT: The pure root is reflected only in Av. and some Andian languages. All other languages reflect either a derivate (with a productive suffix *-lV), or some old compounds with unclear second components (PC *-q̇V, PA *-(ro)χi, PD *-χa). Correspondences of the first part are quite regular (note the specific development *ha- in PA and *ʕɔ- in PC - reflecting a secondary labialisation *ɦʷimV- < *ɦimV-), and it seems worth reconstructing for PEC.

    We must note the resemblance of PEC *ɦimV with Semitic (cf., e.g., Arab. ħimār 'ass, donkey'). The Arabic form was probably directly borrowed only in one language (cf. Kar. Tok. ħamar which stands apart from all other Andian forms), but it may be an old Wanderwort common to both East Caucasian and Semitic languages.


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