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Севернокавказская этимология :

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PROTO: *sindV (~ -ä-)
MEANING: a k. of insect
AAND: *sindV
CEZ: *zidɔ A
COMMENT: An Av.-And.-Tsez. isogloss. One is tempted to compare Ub. š́ā́nṭa 'bug', but the correspondences between *sindV and š́ā́nṭa are absolutely irregular; thus (unless this is a case of heavy irregular change in an expressive root), it should be better kept apart. Bouda (1960, 125) and Abdokov (1983, 125) compare the Ub. form with the reflexes of EC *ć_wVṭV 'biting insect' (q.v.) - which, unfortunately, is as irregular as the other solution.

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