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Севернокавказская этимология :

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PROTO: *moƛ̣_ōrV
MEANING: a k. of foliage tree
AAND: *miƛ̣:VrV
CEZ: *ʔɔrƛVmV
LEZG: *moƛ̣:or
ABAD: *mǝĹa
COMMENT: An interesting root, both phonetically (note the peculiar metathesis in PTs) and semantically (note the intricate semantic developments in PL; cf. also an interesting development "peach" > "fruit stone" - not vice versa - in Akhv.). It is hard to establish the precise meaning in PNC: the only obvious fact is that the root denoted some kind of a foliage tree, which was often used for construction purposes (cf. the meanings in Tsezian and Lezghian languages) and probably resembled a peach-tree (cf. the meaning in Av.).

    See Abdokov 1983, 109 (Akhv. : Kab.; Chech. lag, also cited by the author, has no relation to the present root).


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