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Севернокавказская этимология :

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PROTO: *ǯɦŭmV
MEANING: bush, grass; a k. of fruit
NAKH: *ǯʡŏlVm ( ~ -ă-)
AAND: *žumi / *žimi
CEZ: *žumal ( ~ š-, š:-)
LAK: žunaw
DARG: *č:unab
LEZG: *ǯuIm ( ~ -o-)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Several subgroups reflect a PEC derivate *ǯɦŭmV-ɫV (sometimes, with metathesis > *ǯɦŭɫVmV). Because of a specific and identical metathesis of nasality, it is highly probable that either the Darg. forms are borrowed from Lak., or vice versa - although it is difficult now to establish the direction of loan. The form *ǯɦŭɫVmV (or *ǯɦŭɫVm-bV, with a plural suffix) is attested already in Hurr. zilumba 'date of the Phoenix dactylifera' (whence it was borrowed into Sum. zulum(m)a, Akkad. suluppu, see Diakonoff-Starostin 1986, 41).

    Despite Khaidakov 1973, Kum. čum 'berry, cornel' can not be the source of Caucasian forms (although it is a probable source of the isolated And. (cited from ibid.) čum 'cornel'). Within Turkic the root is known only in modern Kumyk, Balkar and Turkmani, thus with high probability is itself borrowed from some Caucasian (or closely related) language. Caucasian origin is also quite probable for Osset. cɨm / cumä 'cornel' (see Abayev 1958, 321).


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