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Севернокавказская этимология :

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PROTO: *mer(ʔ)V
MEANING: a k. of berry
NAKH: *mor- ( ~ -u-, -V̄-)
LAK: mamari
LEZG: *merV(j)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. We must note some interlingual loans: 1) since the Lak and Darg. (Chir.) forms have an identical reduplication, it is probable that one of them borrowed from another (probably Darg. < Lak., since the form is known only in the Chirag dialect of Darg.); 2) Archi has a word mam 'raspberry', usually in the combination gʷac:ilin mam (lit. "mare's nipple"). It is probable that Archi borrowed the Lak. form mamar(i) and reinterpreted the -ar(i) part as the plural suffix, thus building a neologism mam (coinciding phonetically with mam 'nipple, breast' which is of course quite coincidental).

    A form like PN *mur-iḳ (*mor-iḳ), reflected in Chech. mürg, was probably the source of Osset. murḳä 'guelderrose', further - Ad. marāḳʷa, Kab. mārḳʷa 'strawberry, blackberry', Ub. mǝ(r)ḳ́a- id., Abaz. maraḳʷa 'mulberry', Balk. marako 'strawberry' etc. This direction of borrowing is probable because in PN the element -iḳ is easily recognized as a suffix.

    See Abayev 1973, 141; Shagirov 1, 266 with literature.


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