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Севернокавказская этимология :

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PROTO: *kiɫū
MEANING: farmstead; hut
AAND: *kilV
ABAD: *ḱalV
COMMENT: An Aand-WC isogloss. However, the correspondences are quite regular (both phonetically and semantically), and the NC antiquity of the root seems very probable. See Abdokov 1983, 127 (although with some confusion between this root and PEC *ŁwĕɫV 'fence' q.v. - which should be carefully distinguished).

    Since there is some semantic connection between 'house' and 'hearth' (cf., e.g. PEC *ɦnărG_wī), one feels tempted to compare Ag. kiláj-ar 'hearth' (a plur. tantum). The word is, however, isolated within Lezghian and this hypothesis still is to be proved.


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