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Севернокавказская этимология :

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PROTO: *ħwǟls_ǝ̆
MEANING: a coniferous tree; wood, stick
NAKH: *ħāstV-m
CEZ: *hɔ̃s: ( ~ -s)
LAK: his
LEZG: *ʡʷe(l)s: ( ~ ʔIʷ-)
ABAD: *pǝsV
COMMENT: The WC form has a frequent labial prefix *p-. Both phonetically and semantically the comparison seems quite plausible. [There are some problems with the initial laryngeal: in Lak. we should expect ʔI-, and in Av. - paradigm A, not B. We must note, however, that Av. Chad. /the literary accentuation is not attested/ frequently has a secondary B paradigm instead of A.]

    Medial *-l-, although not preserved in any language, must be reconstructed to account for the PTs nasalisation and the PN development *-ls- > -st-.

    See also comments to *ʔɨ̄rcV̆ 'wood, stick'.


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