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Севернокавказская этимология :

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PROTO: *bǝHǝɫV ( ~ o)
MEANING: hill, mountain
NAKH: *b(ɦ)al-
AAND: *biʔil
LEZG: *p:aIl(a) ( ~ -l:-)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. A rare (but secure) case of the CVHVCV root structure. Cf. perhaps also Lak. (Khosr.) belsa ( = biIl-sa ? - Laki does not have an -e-vowel) 'a good mountain pasture'.

    [In PWC one would expect a form like *bIV: in fact, there exists such a root with many meanings: 'thick(ness), big, bulge' etc. We attribute it to the common NC root *bV̆HV q.v. The reflex of *bǝHǝɫV could have, however, merged with *bV̆HV in PWC. Cf. in particular, cases like Ub. bIǝ-šá 'top of a hill' (ša 'head, top'), which could be directly related to PNC *bǝHǝɫV.]


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