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Севернокавказская этимология :

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MEANING: one of several wives
NAKH: *ʔamgi-r ( ~ -ḳ-)
AAND: *q̇ʷanaƛ:a
CEZ: *q̇emaku
LEZG: *q̇Iamƛ:
COMMENT: An interesting common EC kinship term. In PL and PN it means 'one of two or several wives (relative to each other)', and this may well be the original meaning (changed to 'girl' in general in PTs). The meaning 'relative' in general observed in PA, however, may suggest another possibility: the stem may contain (in a shortened form) the numeral *q̇Hwǟ 'two' and may have originally meant generally "one of two relatives", with later development > "one of two wives". The meaning of the component *-mVŁwV is not clear.

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