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Севернокавказская этимология :

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PROTO: *=Hĭc̣_Ăl
MEANING: naked, bare
NAKH: *=arc̣-
AAND: *hinc̣:V- ( ~ ħ-)
DARG: *limc̣al-
LEZG: *q̇ä-c̣Vl-
KHIN: c̣i-tar
ABAD: *p(ǝ)c̣V
COMMENT: As many other adjectival stems, PNC *=Hĭc̣_Ăl- could have suffixed class markers, turning to *=Hĭc̣_lV- > *=Hĭlc̣_V- (this process could occur independently in different subgroups). The latter form is reflected in PN and PA - but archaic Lezghian and Dargian data speak in favour of the original structure *=Hĭc̣_Ăl-. The root could also use prefixed class markers, which are preserved in Nakh languages and have left traces in some Lezghian languages, as well as in PWC *p(ǝ)-. Despite all these difficulties, the etymology seems both phonetically and semantically quite satisfactory.

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