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Севернокавказская этимология :

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PROTO: *=[i]swV
MEANING: to touch, to take
AAND: *=is- ( ~ -c-)
CEZ: *=oz(:)- ( ~ -ɔ-)
LAK: la=su-
DARG: *=as:-
LEZG: *ʔis:a-
ABAD: *śV ( ~ š-)
COMMENT: The etymology seems satisfactory, although there are some unclear points. Cf. also Urart. ašj- 'to capture' (see Diakonoff-Starostin 1986, 36). Perhaps it would be better to reconstruct *-ǝ- as the main vowel (and to consider *-i- in PL as a later Ablaut grade). Since the meaning "to touch" occurs in EC languages, the comparison with PWC *śV (*šV) seems plausible, although loss of labialisation in PWC is still to be explained (there are several cases like that among verbal roots).

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