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Севернокавказская этимология :

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PROTO: *=Hīq_V(r)
MEANING: to pull, take out; to drag, carry
NAKH: *=āq- / *=āqq-
AAND: *=iq:-
LAK: z-iI=χ:i-
DARG: *=a(r)q:I-
LEZG: *ʔiqIV(r)-
KHIN: -q-wi
ABAD: *q:V (~q́:-,q́I-)
COMMENT: Despite the root's somewhat expressive character, correspondences are regular, and the PNC reconstruction seems reliable. Traces of *-r-conjugation can be found in PA (stem II *q:ur-), and perhaps also in Darg. (medial -r- which is otherwise unclear) - although the decisive evidence of certain Lezghian languages is missing. See also comments to PEC *Harq_wV 'to dig'.

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