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Севернокавказская этимология :

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PROTO: *=i(r)ŁwVr
MEANING: to deceive
NAKH: *lV-
AAND: *guk:-
LAK: c̣-ik:ʷi-
DARG: *=ark:ʷVr- /*=irk:ʷ-
COMMENT: The root structure is best preserved in PD. Avar has reduplicated the root, in PN (Chech.) the initial weak syllable was reduced (*lV- < *=iŁV-). Correspondences between EC languages allow to reconstruct a lateral root consonant *Łw, which corresponds to the lateral in PWC. The only problem is loss of labialisation in PWC (we would rather expect a form like *ĹʷV), which happens also in a number of other verbal roots - perhaps as a result of phonetic interaction with former class markers. See Абдоков 1983, 158.

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