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Севернокавказская этимология :

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PROTO: *HubV̆ ( ~ -o-)
MEANING: orphan; step-relation
NAKH: *ba-du ( ~ -ā-)
AAND: *ʔubV-
DARG: *ʔup:a-j ( ~ -b-)
ABAD: *bIa
COMMENT: Cf. also Hurr. χu/ob-idi- "boy; calf" (see Diakonoff-Starostin 1986, 18). The root is not reflected in PL which preserves well medial clusters with resonants; thus it is possible also to reconstruct *HurbV̆ - a form really close to PIE *orbho- (but despite Shagirov 1,181-182 the direction of borrowing - from IE or vice versa - is still to be established). The root belongs to a number of stems common to several linguistic families of the ancient Near East: besides IE and NC, cf. also PK *obol- 'orphan' (Климов 1965, 149-150).

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