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Севернокавказская этимология :

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PROTO: *nɨ̆
MEANING: I (1st pers. pronoun)
LAK: na
DARG: *nu
COMMENT: A Lak-Darg. isogloss. The etymology is not very reliable, because the forms are very isolated, and do not fit into the paradigm of the 1st person pronoun reconstructed on other evidence (see *zō).

    If we compare the paradigm of the 1st p. pr. in Dargwa dialects, it becomes probable that PD *nu is a secondary development < *du (or, possibly, *du-n, cf. PL *zon): cf. Ak. nom. nu, erg. nuni, dat. nab vs. Chir. nom. du, erg. di-c:e, dat. damī. Still, PD *nu- in the 1st p. plural *nu-š:a stays unexplained, as well as Lak. na (also < *da-n or *t:a-n, cf. the obl. stem t:u- ?).

    An etymological possibility would be to consider the morpheme *nɨ̆ as originally a collective plural pronoun: cf. its use in PD *nu-s:a 'we' (exclusive), *nu-x:a 'we' (inclusive), *nu-š:a 'you (plur.)', quite parallel to Av. ni-ž, ni-ƛ: and nu-ž. Its usage in the 1st person plural could have influenced the 1st person singular in Lak. and Darg., and this influence was strengthened by a chance of secondary nasalisation (e. g. PD *nu < *du-(n)).


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