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Севернокавказская этимология :

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PROTO: *ś_wimHV
MEANING: three
LAK: šam=a
LEZG: *š(ʷ)imV
KHIN: pšʷa
COMMENT: A rather interesting Eastern Daghestanian root: all the listed forms for phonetic reasons can not be traced back to PEC and PNC *ƛHĕ 'three'. It is probable that in PNC we must reconstruct two pairs of numerals for 'three' and 'four'; the semantic difference between them is still to be established.

    In the case with *ś_wimHV it is also interesting to point out the Kartvelian word for three which is PK *sam- (see Klimov 1964, 161; despite several authors - Bork 1907, 23-24, Lafon 1952, 64, Klimov ibid. - the PK root can be hardly compared with PNC *ƛHĕ, but is a rather good match for the local EC *ś_wimHV).


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