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Севернокавказская этимология :

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PROTO: *ʔĭlć̣wɨ
NAKH: *ʔiss
AAND: *ho(b)č̣ʷo-
CEZ: *ʔɔ̃č̣ʷe-(nɔ) A
LAK: urč̣
DARG: *ʔurč̣em-
LEZG: *u_ilč̣ʷɨ-
KHIN: joz
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. The PL form contains a former class prefix *u_-; other subgroups have either lost it or reflect a prefixless form. The vocalic correspondences are irregular just as they are in *u_ĕnc̣ɨ 'ten' (q.v.). This is due to the mutual influence of these numerals in most subgroups: nevertheless, Laki, Avar and Dargwa reflect the opposition (*-i- in 'nine', *-e- in 'ten') very well.

    One is tempted to compare the EC forms with PAT *zʷǝ 'nine' (as it was done by Trubetzkoy 1930, 275, Абоков 1983, 156). PAT *zʷǝ, however, corresponds well to Ub. bʁ́ǝ and PAK *bʁʷǝ 'nine', allowing to reconstruct PWC *bɣ́ʷǝ q.v. - and the comparison of *ʔĭlć̣wɨ and *bɣ́ʷǝ meets serious phonetic obstacles.


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