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Севернокавказская этимология :

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PROTO: *χ_wārē / *rāχ_wē
MEANING: a k. of foliage tree
CEZ: *rɨχ:V ( ~ -ʁ-)
DARG: *χ:ʷiri
LEZG: *χ:ʷar, *χ:ʷar-t:
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. An interesting root, denoting originally a lime-tree (or a similar foliage tree), which was used for construction (cf. the construction terms in Lezghian languages). We can reconstruct the old direct base as *χ_wārē, and the oblique one - *χ_wōrV- (cf. the situation in PL and possibly PD). In spite of the metathesis in Gunz. (possibly conditioned by analogy with *rä̆śwē 'tree, wood' q.v. and some other tree-names), the etymology seems quite plausible.

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