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Севернокавказская этимология :

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PROTO: *bɨ̆nš_wV
MEANING: pipe; horn
NAKH: *marš (~-ā-)
AAND: *ma(r)š:u (~-o-)
CEZ: *b[ẽ]š:ʷV
ABAD: *pǝ̃ša
COMMENT: The semantic correlation 'pipe' : 'horn' is quite usual, and the comparison of the PEC and PWC forms seems plausible (*pǝ̃ša with assimilative unvoicing < *bǝ̃ša; labialisation is lost in PWC, as often, after the initial labial). The PN reflex *marš raises some doubts: we should regularly expect *barš. This, and the isolated position of the Chech. word, suggests a loan, possibly from some Av.-And. source (see comments on the PA form, suggesting the existence of some Av. dialectal form like *marš:u).

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