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Севернокавказская этимология :

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PROTO: *ʕwamħV
MEANING: hyena; wolf
AAND: *ʕVnV (~-m-)
LEZG: *ʔIam:
COMMENT: An Av.-Lezg. isogloss; since the PL form has a very archaic shape, the PEC reconstruction seems reliable.

    It seems very probable that the same root serves as part of an old (PEC) compound which can be reconstructed as *dVHV-ʕwamħV. It means some small wild animal and can be traced in following languages:

    a) PN *dʕaʡam 'badger', reflected in Chech. daʕam (RCD dʕama), Lev. daʕam, Itumk. dʕām, Ved. dʕaʕam, Shar. dʕām.

    b) Av. ʕondó-ƛ̣: 'weasel' = PA *handa-riƛ̣:u (Akhv. Ratl. hindareƛ̣:u, And. (Khaid.) hanaroƛ̣:i, Tind. handareƛ̣:u, Cham. annaraƛ̣: (Gig. hannareƛ̣:u), God. ʕandiruƛ̣:i. This is a further compound with *riƛ̣:u 'weasel, squirrel' q.v. We must note here also a quite aberrant form Akhv. šĩda-reƛ̣:u (all other Andian languages point uniformly to *h-), which is probably a result of further contamination with šĩde- (obl. stem) 'bear'.

    c) PTsKh *madu-ƛa 'weasel' q.v. ( < *madu-rVƛa = PA *handa-riƛ̣:u, Av. ʕondoƛ̣:).

    It is hard to guess the original meaning of the first component *dVHV- (since it is very distorted phonetically in all daughter-languages); however, it can be (with deglottalisation) = PEC *ṭiHwV- 'small'; thus, the whole compound would mean something like 'small wolf'.


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