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Севернокавказская этимология :

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PROTO: *q̇_wič̣V / *č̣_iq̇wV (~-ä-)
MEANING: spleen; small intestine
AAND: *q̇:(ʷ)ič̣:i/č̣:iq̇:(ʷ)i
CEZ: *č̣iʁV
LAK: q̇uč̣
KHIN: č̣ɨḳɨld
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. A "tense" root with two stops, liable to metatheses and as-/dissimilations, which makes reconstruction somewhat difficult. [Note that PTs *č̣iʁV is a result of dissimilation < *č̣iq̇V - the PTs phoneme *-ʁ- is very rare and can only occur as a result of secondary processes. However, Inkh. č̣iq̇i 'spleen' - which could be a remnant of the original non-dissimilated root - should better be considered a loan from Tind. č̣iq̇:i.] The situation is further complicated by the fact that there exists another PNC root, *ḳ_wĭc̣Ĕ / *c̣_ĭḳwĔ (q.v.) with a similar meaning which certainly favours contaminations. Since within reflexes of both roots there is a variation of two basic meanings - "spleen" and "small intestine" - it is most probable that one of the roots meant originally "spleen", and the other - "small intestine", but now the meanings are hardly possible to attribute.

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