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Цезская этимология :

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Працезский: *hɨs:V(nu) B
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: manger, feeding-trough
Цезский: hisonu
Бежтинский: hiso
Гунзибский: ɨ̃s
Комментарии: PGB *[h]ɨ̃sV (cf. also Bezht. Tlad. hĩso). There are some problems with the Gunz. form: in the MSU recordings there are variations ɨ̃s / ǝ̃s (of which ɨ̃s seems to be the correct one). Not quite clear is the reflex *h- > ʔ- in Gunzib: perhaps it should be explained by a merger of two roots, one of which has a separate parallel in Darg.: Ak. harš 'cradle' (for Ak. harš and Gunz. ɨ̃s a protoform like *Hālś_V can be postulated - it remains dubious, however, because of the scarcity of reflexes).

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