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Tsezian etymology :

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Proto-Tsezian: *ilV A
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: we (1st ps. pl. pronoun)
Tsezi: eli
Ginukh: eli
Khvarshi: ila
Inkhokvari: ilo
Bezhta: ile
Gunzib: ile
Comments: PTsKh *ʔilǝ, PGB *ʔile. There had certainly existed an obl. base *ʔilu- (cf. Gunz. ilu-, Bezht. ilo-, Tsez. elu-, Gin. elu-, Inkh. ilo-); probably secondary is the distinction between nom. and erg. in Inkh. (ilo - ile) and Tsez. (eli - ela), although the details are yet to be found out.

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