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Tsezian etymology :

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Proto-Tsezian: *ƛɨ
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: year
Tsezi: ƛaIb
Ginukh: ƛebu
Khvarshi: ƛib
Inkhokvari: ƛib
Bezhta: ƛi
Gunzib: ƛɨ
Comments: PGB *ƛɨ. PTsKh *ƛi-b(u) contains an original plural suffix; it is worth noting that in PTsKh the word is homonymous with *ƛib(u) 'leaf' q.v., which probably influenced its vocalism (PTsKh *ɨ or *ǝ should be expected).

    The same root is present in PTs *ƛi-nV / *ʔɨ-ƛi-nV 'winter' (*ʔɨ- is a pronominal element, originally 'this winter' - the whole form is probably an original locative case, preserving the root resonant and meaning 'in winter', '(in) this winter'). Cf. Tsez. eƛnu, Gin. eƛni, Khvarsh. eƛnu, Inkh. ɨƛnu (PTsKh *ʔɨƛnV), Bezht. ƛine, Gunz. ƛini (PGB *ƛinV) 'winter'. With other suffixation there exists also Bezht. (Tlad., Khosh.) ƛi-l-mä 'in winter'.


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