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Лезгинская этимология :

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Пралезгинский: *[ħ]elč:
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: mark, sign, target; mark (on sheep's ear)
Лезгинский: erž (Khl.)
Табасаранский: miǯi (Düb.)
Агульский: irž
Рутульский: iǯ / liǯ
Арчинский: eIč
Комментарий: 4th class in all class-distinguishing languages. Cf. also Lezg. Khl. erg. erč:-eni, Ag. Burk. irǯ, Tp. erǯ id. The Anlaut correspondences are exceptional: quite strange is Tab. m-; the Archi pharyngealisation points to *ħ-, but other languages point rather to *ʔ(I). Perhaps we should reconstruct *ħʷ- (not attested elsewhere; this would provide at least some reason for Tab. m-). But otherwise the correspondences are quite regular: medial -r- in Lezg. and Ag., combined with the variation ʔ-/l- in Rut. (liǯ < *ʔilǯ) point unambiguously to PL *-l-.

    The oblique stem can not be reconstructed (the only form with a vocalic obl. base is Tsakh. ižɨ-, which is not enough for reconstruction).


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