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Лезгинская этимология :

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Пралезгинский: *š(ʷ)imV- /*s(ʷ)imV-
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Значение: three (in: thirty)
Табасаранский: simi-c̣ur
Агульский: šin-c̣ur (Bursh.)
Комментарий: Tabasaran and Agul have preserved this relic numeral only within the compound *s(ʷ)imV-c̣u-r 'thirty' (with 'ten' as the second part). The initial consonant reveals a variation between *s(ʷ) and *š(ʷ)-;cf. also Tab. Kand. sumč̣ur, Düb. simič̣ur. In the Richa dialect of Agul the form is xim-c̣ur: this is obviously a contamination with the normal PL numeral 'three' *ʎep:ɨ- (q.v.); but neither Tab. simi-, nor Ag. Bursh. šin- in 'thirty' can not be traced back to *ʎep:ɨ-.

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