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Лезгинская этимология :

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Пралезгинский: *ʔi[k]ar
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: to take with, provide, deliver
Рутульский: gɨ=rga-
Арчинский: kar-
Комментарий: The verb has an archaic paradigm (*ʔikar- > Arch. kar-; the Ablaut grade *ʔokär- > Arch. dur. orki-r, term. oka, Rut. -ɨ=ga- in q-ɨ=ga- 'to bring, to lead, deliver'; reduplicated stem *kor(V)ka- > Arch. imper. karaka, Rut. gɨ=rga-). Because of a precise parallelism between the Archi and Rutul alternating stems and a precise semantic match, the relationship of the Archi and Rutul forms is beyond doubt - despite an irregular consonantal correspondence. Cf. perhaps also Tsakh. =ɨḱ:e-s (pres. with reduplication =ɨḱek-a) 'to take away, carry away': here -ḱ:- obviously does not reflect a PL lateral, but is an expressive gemination of -k-. An analogous expressive reduplication could be responsible for the exceptional development *k > g in Rutul.

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