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Лезгинская этимология :

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Пралезгинский: *ƛ̣:i-mč̣
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: 1 fright 2 to fear, be scared
Лезгинский: kič̣ 1
Табасаранский: guč̣ 1
Агульский: guč̣ 1
Рутульский: gič̣e- 2
Цахурский: gič̣ 1 (Mishl.)
Крызский: kič̣ 1
Будухский: kič̣ 1
Арчинский: ƛ̣:inč̣a- 2
Комментарий: Cf. also Tab. Düb. gič̣i 'fright'. Despite its functioning as a verb in Rut. and Arch. (with a defective paradigm: only dur. ƛ̣:inč̣a-r), the stem is obviously nominal (even in Archi there are compounds like ƛ̣:inč̣as: eχmus 'to be afraid' - with a dative case of *ƛ̣:inč̣ 'fright'). Medial *-m- must be reconstructed on the evidence of Archi -n- (original *-n- can not be reconstructed because it would have been preserved in other languages, while *-m- regularly disappears in this position). Initial *ƛ̣:- gives regular reflexes everywhere except Lezg., Tab. and Ag., where dissimilations occurred before the following glottalized affricate. The oblique base is not quite clear (but probably *ƛ̣:imč̣a- on the basis of the archaic Archi ƛ̣:inč̣a- in ƛ̣:inč̣a-s:). The word belongs to the 4th class in Tsakhur.

    Historically *ƛ̣:imč̣ is a compound of *ƛ̣:ij 'fright' (q.v.) with *Himč̣ (cf. the external evidence), not preserved separately.

    See Trubetzkoy 1922, 241. Лексика 1971, 239; Гигинейшвили 1977, 111; Талибов 1980, 286.


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