Comment: A complicated root, partly reduplicated, partly provided with a suffix *-ul. Some languages (Lezg., Ag.) reflect a variant with front vocalism (*ṭim:iṭ, with regular palatalisation in Lezg.). In Inlaut Lezg., Ag., Tsakh., Arch. and Ud. reflect PL *-m:-; however, Tab., Rut. and Bud. reflect a weakened variant *-m- (in Bud. with a secondary epenthetic -b-). Bud. > Khin. ṭumbol 'damson' (Ud. damp:ul 'plum' is also an old loan from Shakh-Dagh languages). All these complicated interrelationships probably reflect active interborrowing of this important cultural term; there is, however, little doubt in the genuine character of the root as a whole.
We should also note Av. Andal. ṭimiṭ 'besom': this may be an old loan from some Lezgian language (explained by using grape branches for sweeping).