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Китайские иероглифы :

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Современное (пекинское) чтение: náo
OCHN: ŋhrēw
CCHN: ŋhrēw
WCHN: ŋhrjāw
ECHN: ŋhriāw
EPCHN: ŋhiẹ̄w
MPCHN: ŋhạ̄w
LPCHN: ŋhạ̄w
MCHN: ṇạw
Перевод: to scrape; to make disorder [LZ]
OSHANIN: 1) царапать, скрести; чесать; ерошить (волосы); теребить; 2) тревожить, беспокоить, раздражать, возмущать, волновать; 3) сгибаться, поддаваться; [nāo] 1) хватать; 2) убежать, уехать (от кого-л.)
Комментарии: Precise OC reconstruction is somewhat difficult in this case. Xiesheng strongly suggests a velar initial; so does also a parallel MC reading xâw (suggesting a variant with *sŋ(h)- > x-; the final, however, is quite irregular). We may think that the word was influenced by 呶 *nrū > MC ṇạo 'to be disorderly, clamoring'; let us note, however, that the latter must have had a *n-, while for 撓 the Min dialects indicate aspiration (cf. Fuzhou, Chaozhou nau2). The oldest attested meaning of the character is 'crooked, bent' (already in Yijing - although the word is absent from Schüssler's dictionary). During Late Zhou it is attested only in the meaning 'make disorder, confusion'; only since Tang the meaning 'to scrape' is witnessed (although it is reflected in most modern dialects).
Диалектные данные: Диалектные данные
OSHVAL: 7323
Код по Карлгрену: 1164 s
Вьетнамское чтение: nạo

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