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Modern (Beijing) reading: què
Preclassic Old Chinese: ćekʷ
Classic Old Chinese: ceuk
Western Han Chinese: cjauk
Eastern Han Chinese: cjauk
Early Postclassic Chinese: cjauk
Middle Postclassic Chinese: cjak
Late Postclassic Chinese: cjak
Middle Chinese: cjak
English meaning : sparrow
Russian meaning[s]: воробей (Passer montanus); пташка
Comments: For OC *c- and -a- can also be reconstructed (there are no rhymes and hsieh-sheng connections for the word) - but the reconstruction *ćekʷ seems preferable because the word is written as 爵 (*ćekʷ) in Late Chou. Initial q- in Mandarin is unclear. The regular Sino-Viet. reflex is tu'ó'c; chóc is used in the compound chim chóc 'birds' (note that 雀 is also used as a general name for all small birds in Early Chinese).
Sino-Tibetan etymology: Sino-Tibetan etymology
Radical: 172
Four-angle index: 950
Karlgren code: 1122 a-b
Vietnamese reading: chóc
Jianchuan Bai: co6
Dali Bai: co6
Bijiang Bai: co6
Shijing occurrences: 17.2

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